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Lighter/Torch question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by paraDigmX, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. I wasnt sure where to put this, but it seemed like the appropriate place for questions.

    Alright, so if you have watched hashbean hit his bongs... has anyone else notice the torch he uses? Usually adjustable, etc. Example:

    Question is: What make/model is this torch? I'd like to get one similar. I have a pretty nice piece and me and some friends want to throw down and have a bong hit competition. We decided the only fair way to do it would be to weigh out grams of a hit, then take it, etc. We decided the easiest/quickets way to do this would be to get a torch like that.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  2. wow that thing is sweeet
  3. wow that thing probably has mad gases being sucked up his bong. fuck lighters, let alone torches. cant imagine waht a couple of years toking with it would do to your brain
  4. Get a soldering iron to vaporize it(i think) they are pretty cheap you can find one for like $30
  5. Looks like a wielding starter torch. My dad had one when he worked at the Cecil Whig.

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