Ok I was wondering, if light leaks were a big problem. The lightleaks are not big but didnt know if it was still a big deal if they are small leaks. Im using a 400 watt mh/hps if that matters.
Does the light escaping stress them? I know the light coming in stesses them but I dont know if the light escaping also stresses them.
.... Light leaking in during dark cycle will stress the plant .... Light leaking out during "day" cycle may stress the gardener, as you may be attracting un-wanted attention to your grow.
Your on a road to being banned brother,watch your mouth!My comment was not an attack but HUMOR,i was thinking YOU were messin with us with that statement, how would a plant know(or even care if light was leaking out of a closet or box). Try having some fun and stop being so serious man,look at ALL my posts,i dont bust balls my friend.
Well it came off as if you were trying to call me an idiot. I didn't know you were being saracastic. I'm sorry about that. But last night I had a little to drink and it kind of made me mad. I apologize. But I do see how what I said seemed like I was kidding.