light distance on seedlings

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by HolyxXxCrapp, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. ok, i apologize but i cant get any pics of this recent grow cause my camera crapped out on me. far away should my grow light be away from seedlings. theyre only about 3 inches tall at the moment. any help that can be given at all with this small amount of info would help a lot. thank's guys.
  2. Well, if your using CFL's you can get them as close as 1 inch. Do you have a fan on them?
  3. depends on your light. if you are using CFL's or flouros you can get them an inch from the plant.
    using HIDs you dont want them directly under the light. move them off to the side a little because unless your watering them every four hours, they dry up FAST!

    hope this helps.

    btw. ive had CFl's touching plants and it never burned. but i wouldnt keep it on there cause its just blocking light to another area of the foilage.
  4. i do have a fan goin on. confined space in a closet and all...but yeah i have a cfl. thank you guys for the advise.

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