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Light Dilution for Urine Test

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by greenman018, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. Hey guys! I am just trying to get this out there, originally tried to post this on another forum but their rules of posting were to difficult so I decided to post here. Here is everything you need to know and more about dillution and home drug test kits. If you want you can skip past my story and get straight to my dilution method
    My Story: My last couple days of smoking I was smoking dabs, or hash oil. I tested myself 4 days later using the first check home test for THC from Walmart. I failed as expected. About 3 weeks clean I tested myself again and failed, now I was starting to worry. I still had another 24 days until my test so I went and did cardio for an hour every day 5 days a week until 4 days until my test. about one month clean I tested myself again, and it came up with a very very very faint ghost line. I cannot emphasize enough how faint this line was. It was pretty much invisible. So i continued to work out and about 40 days clean I tested myself again, with two different tests. One was a first check and the other was some 5 pannel test off amazon from drug abuse control. Once again the line on first check was pretty much invisible, but the other test I had a pretty solid line. A day later I retested myself using my light dilution method on the first check test and got a VERY solid line, it was just about as solid as the control line. So I decided to use this method to be safe and pass the test. 3 days leading up to the test I wasn't working out and was eating fast food every day. Now to the dilution method.
    Dilution method: It was bascially a modified version of N2s dilutiion method. This is what I did, and I suggest it only for people getting extremely faint lines on their home drug tests. First of all, 3 days before the test I was taking 15 grams of creatine a day, or 3 heaping teaspoons of creatine monohydrate from my local pharmacy since they check for creatine levels, and no creatine levels cannot be too high, only too low. On the day of my test I woke up 4 hours before my test and voided. Right after that I put 5 grams of creatine and mixed with 16 oz of gatorade and chugged it. Use gatorade instead of water because it helps raise specific gravity which they also check for. Don't drink anything else until after you void gain 1-2 hours later. After that drink 4 oz every 20-30 minutes. 2 hours before the test I took 2 tums to raise specific gravity, and 1 hour before the test i took 2 more. I voided probably around 5 or 6 times before my test. I drank 40 oz of gatorade total. I went in to take the test and went to the bathroom and the toilet had that blue cleaner in it so I was afraid to go midstream. I voided very little into the toilet, like just one squirt lol and then went in the cup so I wouldn't even say I went midstream. Got a call a week later saying I passed!!!

    Again this is only for the people who don't feel confident in their home drug test lines because they are so faint. If you have a normally faint line I say youre good to go, but if it's barely visible better safe than sorry. And I don't want to hear that faintness of the line means nothing. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. I proved this after I tested myself first void of the day and got a barely visible line and then testing later that day with dilution and got a very solid line. If it is faint but clearly visible I think you are good to go, but I wasn't risking the tester not being able to see my line even though I could see it.

    So there you have it. I hope I was able to help a lot of people.

  2. OP, wrong section but thanks for the info.
  3. Please move to right section mods. I couldn't find a drug testing section so I didnt know where to put it
  4. seems like (other than the excersize) you put your body through hell with all the creatine and im sure drinking too much water. Is there a reason you couldnt just spend 60 bucks and get a substitution kit?
  5. Main reason was that I read somewhere someone failed at quest diagnostics with quickfix and I took my test at quest and didnt want to risk it. 40 oz of gatorade really isn't alot to be considered destroying my body lol. But yes,the creatine overloading sucks as it gave me bad diharhea. But my stomach is fine now and I have an awesome job, so all is good.
  6. #6 coolioluke9, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    A 40 oz of Gatorade wont hurt you, but people go overboard and im glad you didnt. and that creatine stuff isnt even good to take period. being involved in a bit of weight lifting back in the day i know that shit will get you a rush and get you pumping but it might as well be a drug, avoid at all cost. And GL with you job man and go buy an actual substitution kit (with tube, reusable container, heating element, and a temp gauge), a lot of times it will even come with at least one use of actual powdered clean urine. (you think your job is awesome, to bad you dont just piss for a living). then you can take your drug test high and just squeeze your thighs together and laugh at your plastic tube di**.

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