Light Bulb Vaporizer?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Bradl3y, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. So I need an improvised toking tool and my buddy told me to make a light bulb vape. I looked online and it seems simple enough but I'm just a little concerned about the safety aspects of it... Plus I have a few questions.

    Will there be any harmful chemical remnants left in it even after I've washed it?

    Can the glass shatter?

    Is it better/worst for my health that a joint?

    Does it conserve or waste more weed than a joint or an improvised bottle bong?

    Can I wash and re-use it or is it a one-nighter deal?

    Any responses will be greatly appreciated:)
  2. as far as health idk. but itll conserve it if you do it right. like all vapes. if you make it well enough it would be reusable. the glass shouldnt shatter as long as it isnt going hot as hell to cold instantly i.e. using it then dunking it in water. though if youre using one you'll kinda look like a crack head. id say just go to a head shop and get a little ciggy looking sneak a toke (snapper) since people often smoke more than they need to.

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