1. For the Mods, we are moving a discussion from another thread to here.
  2. I didn't say I would impose my belief onto them. I am just saying, my moral code allows for abortions as an exception to the rule (that life is sacred and should be protected).

    Each situation is unique... But for me personally, I would prefer living in a society that took abortions very seriously. If someone got one, we would feel sorrow, absolutely mo judgement. But many people get abortions for reasons I cannot morally defend.
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  3. I think abortions can be very ugly. I would much rather people just be responsible and and use protection or birth control. Unless it's rape, a girl can say no to a guy if he doesn't have protection.
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  4. #4 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
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  5. I wouldn't say 'they should be allowed', I believe human beings to be sovereign entities, so the question would be 'does anyone have the authority over a woman to stop them from having an abortion' and I unequivocally would say no.

    No my rule is pro-life, abortions in exceptional cases.

    That is my personal moral code, not a rule I would demand others follow.
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  6. #6 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
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  7. Here is an example from someone I know who is pregnant right now.

    She got pregnant, and her boyfriend was excited for the baby and proposed to marry her, which she accepted. They always used protection except this one time, and that was all it took. She wasn't prepared to have a baby and was seriously considering an abortion, she was severely emotionally distraught knowing a baby was coming.

    All the way up until the ultrasound, then when she saw the baby on the ultrasound, a switch flipped and she fell in love with the baby.

    So, due to the psychological distress, her judgement was clouded. The life inside her in this case, posed no threat to her own life, but she could have eliminated it, just because.

    If an abortion is not absolutely necessary, I would hope and encourage them to consider an adoption, then, everybody wins.
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  8. #8 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
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  9. In this case, her and her fiance freely went, there was no manipulation of which I am aware.

    However, I don't see it as a bad thing if it were.

    Imagine your loved one was about to commit suicide and you could show them a 10second video of happiness in their future to dissuade them, would you see that as equally reprehensible manipulation?
  10. Is it not the responsibility of the woman to endure the consequences of making the decision to abort a baby? Doesn't she have the right to learn that lesson. Yea I think so. And of course no one should be able to impose their values on others by force.
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  11. My fear is that for some, it's inconsequential.
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  12. I heard abortions can mess the body up and those women who have done a few times in the past cant have kids anymore. I understand its bad but what about if you are poor and accidentally get a girl pregnant and you both aren't able to take care or support the baby due to extreme life conditions and financial issues? At the same time a couple could still be young and not spiritually mature to raise kids as they still feel kids themselves.

    I had to break up with my ex because she wanted kids and i didn't not with her atleast because she wasn't mature spiritually and at the same time i didn't feel ready to father a child as i was just starting to grow up and live, explore life and the other hand she was still living off the socially conditioned mindset which drove her to wanting a kid based on what society and her family expects instead of actually wanting one. Only that her sisters had kids she felt she needs to have one too but i saw too much complications to bring the child in this world. She never fell pregnant, i am always very aware of my body so i knew how to work through it but i myself felt too young and immature for these things. I still feel young and want to travel and actually live life before i even think about any of that stuff.

    That is why most relationships end up breaking up because the individuals are not "spiritually mature" and most of the time they only get into relationships or look for relationships to escape based on a fear-based mindset of cultural conditioning.

    I wouldn't even know what to do if she got pregnant but i thought i should share my view on the whole thing.
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  13. #13 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  14. #14 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  15. #15 Wisdom Tooth, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2016
    @medicatedgenius Leave stuff you don't understand for the adults to handle. It clearly shows you are still immature on a spiritual level. We are after all in the "Religions, Beliefs and Spirituality" section and you seem to have no experience with it whatsoever which is why the natural human reaction is Calling it B.S. So please be quiet and don't reply to me unless you know what you are talking about.
  16. #16 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  17. Bullshit because the Truth i present destroys and brings down the walls of illusion that you have created for yourself. You are deep rooted in an old system living limited by fear and comfort zones when these things are presented they make the ego question itself which is why you feel uncomfortable and denial right now.
    Less medication more meditation.

    Its only an insult because you see it that way which explains why others that are spiritually developed thank me for my work on a daily. I do not waste time, I am the most honest person i know, Enjoy the loop.
  18. #18 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  19. #19 medicatedgenius, Apr 2, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  20. Take a look in the mirror, you might notice something.

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