Life is unexpected.

Discussion in 'General' started by GeoTokeR, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. The last 4 weeks have got me thinkin the bad, the good, and everything inbetween. Ive went..

    from 3 seconds to asking someone to marry me,
    to getting my heart broke,
    to feeling horribaly depressed,
    to feeling good that it happend,
    to finding god,
    to loosing faith, only to gain it back but differently then what i expected
    to wanting to join the military,
    to wanting to move to vancover,
    to buying my own house,
    to getting a new car,
    to meeting a new girl,
    to not wanting the new girl,
    to quiting smoking ciggs,
    to picking up an amazing workout schedual,
    to getting a raise at work,
    to getting the orgional girl back, kinda....
    to not really caring what the fuck happens next,
    and ending at this neutral state of mind that im at right now.

    I feel as if ive steped up a whole notch in life with in 1 month. Its just really trippy. I went from smokin a gram a day/ pack a day/ bottle of caption every other day. To smoking on weekends, drinking on weekends, and cutting out the ciggs completly.

    It feels fuckin great, but yet i miss the old life. Things were good before everything happend, now i just feel hardend from life.

    Idk, really pointless post, but i dont give a fuck. Respond if ya wanna

  2. That's life brah, you live and you learn and you grow through each day that you spend here on earth. Everyday is like a new adventure. Just depends on how you look at life because life is what you make of it and if you wanna live life to enjoy it, you shall! Just make the best out of what you got and go from there. Finding peace of mind is a great accomplishment.
  3. I don't think this thread was pointless at all. Sometimes life hands you grapes and you can either eat those grapes or make wine. life is so unexpected and i guess that may just be...the true meaning of life. i dont know.. i might be stoned:smoking:
  4. I know man, I know...

    I had a great life... or so I thought, only for it to be taken away, and now I am left with about 1 close friend, and a lot of thinkin...

    Iv already moved on tho, Iv never gotten into the story on here.
  5. smoke on stoner and let the herb free your mind

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