Letters From Iwo Jima.

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Iceni Toker, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Watched this film last night, to sum up it's about the battle for the stratiegicly important island of Iwo Jima between the Japanese and american forces during ww2.

    But unlike every other war film ever, this shows the perspective of the non americans (the Japanese) and does a brilliant job of showing the true horror and sadness of war regardless of what side your on.

    The one scene that really moved me (even brought a tear to my eye, and I NEVER cry at movies) was when a surrounded, doomed group of Japanese soldiers have a letter read to them by their officer, taken from the body of a dead American soldier. The letter is a simple letter from the soldiers mother, telling a story of some chickens escaping at home and saying how she misses and loves him, the Japanese soldiers who where taught that Americans were savage beasts were moved, realized they're the same as the enemy and how pointless and horrific killing each other really is. "His mothers words....were the same as mine" one of the soldiers says.

    Anyone else find this movie incredible?
  2. Been a while since I watched it but that was a great movie,I think there is also another movie but this time from the americans point of view if I'm not mistaken.
  3. I cried watching this movie too. It was embarrassing as fuck since I was with my buddies at a cottage for 420. It's just mad depressing man, I can't handle that kind of shit.
  4. check out flags of our fathers : )

  5. This is probably the american version I was talking about,though I never saw it.
  6. yea ur right. Letters from iwo jima is alot better i think though. flags of our fathers is alot more about the famous photo below and all of the people involved in taking it.

  7. I enjoy this movie alot! one of my favourites!
  8. great movie

    one of the few movies with subtitles i enjoyed
  9. How about Downfall? The subtitled film about the Nazi high command during the fall of Berlin. That's another amazing subtitled war film from the enemys point of view.
  10. How about the part in that movie where the Japanese soldiers are told to commit suicide with the grenades? Shit was intense! I dunno anyone that manly to pull the pin on a grenade and tap it to their head. In-fcking-tense:smoking:

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