Letters for Legalization (idea inside!)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by lunarpig, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. god i hope this isn't just stoner dribble.

    I can't seem to get legalization out of my mind. I pray every day when i google/forum troll that something huge will just fall in my screen. I cant sit by idly anymore and i hope nay pray! you all feel the same exact way

    Folks what i propose is very simple. We write letters. These letters will be to specifically sent to reguler old citizens in the states/county's/city around the us that are going to be facing some type of poll/initiative/ballot etc etc concerning the further legalization of cannabis.:smoking:
    These letters should be honest and human say hello and tell the person who you are (as much as your willing to share) and why you feel their community's future cannabis vote will only improve well everything! and be specific give web sights and any literature you think they should pick up.. get them involved! or at very least thinking about.

    Is this nuts? I love to keep stuff simple . And i truly feel with all the science and massive amounts of documentation of this miracle plant the facts will simply speak for itself.. The information is there we can get "them" to at very least be curios about it, cannabis just mite have a chance.. I want to be alive for this folks please shake a dam tail feather..

    All i need is some type of massive databases of people name and address.. this day in age really how hard would that be? hell i'll wip out my phone book if i have too and make this "Calls for Legalization" (lol this mite be a better idea:smoking:)
  2. I think it's a great idea man!

    I do something similar by emailing every business I can get an address for and asking them this one simple question:

    I particularly target media organizations because if they get interested they can get the word out to thousands of people. I also try to target senior citizens because many of them could benefit from a little marijuana in their lives and as a group they are respected and considered very mainstream - if they get active that'd make the news.

    GL with your idea man! An easy way to get addresses is to join some yahoo groups and make whoever writes to the group to be your new "contacts".
  3. I do the same, to a point. Why is it okay to drink but not smoke? I don't get it! Stoners don't drive high and kill people, they don't get insanely violent. Why can't alcohol be illegal??
  4. good idea man, its hard to organize something like that but if it could work out it would be very productive.
  5. Yes the cartels and organized crime in general is a very strong talking point.

    As well as the fact that cannabis is arguably the safest medicine known to man.

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