letter to senator

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by bcnr33skyline, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. Dear Mr. AnonymousThanks for contacting me regarding marijuana. It's nice to hear from you.

    I'm against legalization of marijuana except when the appropriate authorities recommend that it be studied as a treatment for disease. As you may know, a National Institute of Health panel has made such a recommendation.

    I want you to know that I am concerned about limiting any medical treatment that might be the best possible treatment for disease. I also believe that if marijuana is legalized for medicinal purposes, appropriate safeguards against abuse must be in place. You can be sure that I will pay close attention to research on the medicinal uses of marijuana.

    Again, thanks for contacting me. Please let me know if I can be of help to you in the future.

    Barbara A. Mikulski
    United States Senator

    can anyone else try to help me persuade this senator if your from md, i tried to promote the merp (M.R.R.P.) plan but it seems not to be affecting to her, but it was nice i got a real letter and not an automatic response


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