Let's talk about Bob, shall we?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by smokinokie, Mar 18, 2005.

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  1. If you live in the USA, and own a TV, you\'ve no doubt met Bob. Bob has a big dick. He uses pills to help him have a big dick. Now Bob smiles, in a bad acid trip, funhouse clown, kind of way all the time. As does his extremely mediocre bordering on bowling shoe ugly wife. All the women at the X-mas office party want to sit on his lap. His golf game is improved. He\'s man of the year in his hometown.

    Things were\'nt always this way for Bob. His house is furnished in a neo-60\'s mod thrift store kind of way. Same for his wardrobe. But a big dick changed all of that. Well, actually nothing changed. Still neo-60\'s mod all the way. But a big dick makes it not so noticeable.

    Someone\'s said it before, but it bears repeating.
    We have\'nt found a cure for cancer.
    But we sure have got pecker problems covered.

    Mine\'s 12 inches.
    But I don\'t use it as a rule.

    An entire thread.
    Just to set up a lameass joke.

    Thankew very much.
  2. Are u kidding me? I responded to this last night and it was witty and rocked. *POOF* it\'s gone!!! Now I\'m too zoned out to pull the wit off. I\'ll bump it tomorrow and try again.

    Miss ya, okiepokie!!! ;)
  3. That smile is frightening..

    Hilarious post!
  4. yea, really....................................................................... :wave:
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