lets see if u all get this one

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by muddy420, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. one day a married couple were about to have a baby so they went to the hospital and the doctor said that he had made a new machine that will transfer the labor pain at certain percentage to the father of the baby so the husband said well if it'll help my wife so as she was haveing the baby the doctor put the machine at ten percent and asked the husband how he was felling he said he was felling just fine so the doc turned it up a knoch and the husmand was the same so he gave the machine 50percent and the husband still didnt fell any pain so then the husband said well if it'll help my wife give me all the pain so he did and then they had the baby free of any labor pain and went home as they arrived they saw the mail man dead on the door step
  2. what's to get? he's not the father , ahhh right, he's not the father...



    I guess..
  3. Hahaha...good one :)
  4. The mailman was the father

  5. LMAO.

    after reading that the first time i thought it wasnt possable to laugh any harder (it was built upont hte foundations of lafta from da joke) but then you come back and say it a second time... AAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!. funy guy. ;)

  6. that reminds me of a joke.....:D
  7. LOL... you guys are funny... Obliviot, Bongish, Zondude, mslegally blonde: the Original Grassters.. heh

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