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Lets say my dealer got busted..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by whitnc14, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. #1 whitnc14, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
     my dealer got busted about a week ago and still in… I texted him yesterday not knowing he had been. Should I be worried? 

  2. yup
    they are tracking your phone right now
    probably about to kick the door in
  3. dealer wont even let me txt I have to call
  4. phones in general are a PITA
    that's why it's great to have a good friend as your caregiver. i used to go over anytime.
    we'd sit and smoke then have breakfast, or just chill all afternoon watching live concerts on cable
  5. if he pleads the fifth they can't go into his phone if they believe there is evidence related to the charges on him in his cellphone. tell him this or hes gonna be coughing up everything without knowing
  6. I would say it depends on how much he got caught with. If its a smaller amount they prob won't give a shit about who he buys off of or who he sells to. If he moves quarter pounds to multiple pounds then I'd worry
  7. Well the most I have gotten is a 1/2. I normally just get a 1/8… and when I have been at his place he definitely doesn't have pounds at least what I have seen. 
  8. if they did do anything it would just be watching your house and if you're not getting much or have a lot of traffic in and out I wouldnt worry about it
  9. You won't be in trouble and they can't do anything to you,since your just looking around for weed.They don't have anything on you.But,if they do find out about the text your dealer will be ultra fucked.They would have reasons to go way to far with him,like getting a search warrant for his house is an example.
  10. you'll be just fine buddy. Prob just a small time dealer. They only want the guys that are supplying the dealers.
  11. Unless you are his number 1 customer who buys an ounce a day, I think you're okay buddy! :)
  12. You will do at least 5 years in prison for texting him.
  13. get your affairs in order
  14. "Officer I lost my phone yesterday. Someone must have sent that text. I don't do drugs. Drugs are bad and Mr. Mackey told me I shouldn't touch them"

    Sent from four score and seven years ago

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