Let fat people die to save the USA billions?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by weednotcrack, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. its dumb to think its not, the same chemicals are released, so obviously you can actually become addicted to it. though I'll admit I kind of laugh when I think about it since usually addiction is used for something you dont need to live, unlike food, but still.
  2. Survival of the fittest. If we want our genetics to be top notch stop helping the unhealthy and handicapped and those with diseases. Imagine how much money we would save not having to waste it on research and medicines and vaccines etc etc.
  3. Yeah, like that English guy Stephen Hawking in the wheelchair, with the voice synthesizer, he's mostly paralyzed. What the fuck good is he, since practically nobody understands what he writes about? Another one like that was Carl Sagan, one of the top scientists at NASA - he had some disease I never even heard of. He figured out all kind of shit about Mars and Venus - a lot of good that did him! I say phooey on them all, we don't need these eggheads to support with useless jobs, and tax-free foundations - we want sexy, beautiful people who are in super good health, with money to burn.
  4. You listed two people out of billions. Wonderful rebuttal bro.
  5. At least neither of them were fat, including the guy who could literally not exercise.

  6. Chipotle is not owned by McDonald's at all. Chipotle merely used McDonald's for money to start up. And now since Chipotle is big, it isn't partners with McDonald's anymore. Actually, you can ask any Chipotle restaurateur about it; also most restaurateurs cringe at the sound of hearing McDonald's HAHA
  7. [quote name='"Demiurge"']You listed two people out of billions. Wonderful rebuttal bro.[/quote]

    Doesn't matter that he only listed two people,according to you ALL of the disabled or ill people in the world should be left to die even though they can be helped so that includes them.

    I'm guessing you've never loved anyone with a disability,I sincerely hope no one in your family is ever affected but if someone you care for is ever disabled you will know,as I know, that it won't matter to you how much it costs if it means they will be as healthy and happy as possible.
  8. What about the people who are perfectly fine, but don't have the means to survive?

    Resources are finite... Should we spend millions on disabled people, or millions of people who aren't disabled, but need the help.
  9. Lmao, cutting the medical spending probably won't put money in the hands of people who need help, that's not how it works, it would go elsewhere.

    Stop treating a large portion of your population and see how well that works out for you..
  10. Obviously that's not how it works.

    I'm just saying there are more people than we can help with the way things work right now.

    I would personally much rather help an able bodied person who is starving to death than somebody who ate too much. :D
  11. Hey, what about people who have really shitty diets and have a high risk of heart disease/diabetes and such just like obese people, but are still skinny?

    Are we only weeding out the ones that actually look unhealthy? :p
  12. Yeah it's pretty sad. I understand that SOME people have a serious medical condition in which it's extremely difficult not to gain weight. They have all my love and support. Yet lets just say for example one of my friends is easily 320 pounds. He complains about his health and refuses to do anything about his diet. I tell him not to eat something "I don't love him/support him/appreciate him/want him to starve" then when he eats it I'm the enemy for allowing him to do so. For fuck sake people get on your game and stop blaming others for your issue. Your body is the only "self-sport" out there. You don't have to rely on ANYONE else to benefit yourself and your health. You're able to do amazing things all it takes is will-power. Then when theirs fails and they now want support after not giving a shit about their life for the past 30+ years.. Honestly just let them deal with their own problems if they can't get out of bed because you like to eat TV dinners and be lethargic all day then.. Enjoy an early grave friend.

    (cold thinking as well) Yet when are we as a nation going to just stop caring about other people? I mean we already don't give a shit about anyone else.. We see someone hurt in the street it would be a rare site for someone to get out of their car and take them to the hospital. Then cause someones fat and lack their OWN willpower (hidden by excuses) we all look towards each other to hold their hands. Fk dat shitt.
  13. I say let them die, think of how much energy we could create by literally burning the fat off their thighs. Plus the whole town would smell like meat, which is a plus.

  14. That is the most disgusting, ugly, horrendous pile of fat I've ever seen....PUKE!!!
  15. I eat a shitload ALL OF THE TIME. But I also work out seven times a week. I really don't understand how so many people are SO fat
  16. Also I'm a boss
  17. You're kinda missing the whole point of my argument. I'm talking about what is costing USA the most, which is obesity. We don't have a extreme sport epidemic.

    I've looked up the effects of smokers on health care cost and in a strange turn of events, smokers actually lower health care cost due to the fact they die sooner, thus not having the opportunity to raise the health care cost at an older age.

    MMS: Error

    If people stopped smoking, there would be a savings in health care costs, but only in the short term. Eventually, smoking cessation would lead to increased health care costs."
  18. I would have so many places to stick my penis in though? Gotta think of the upsides brother. :devious:

  19. Would the same apply to obese people though? I assume they're also dying at a younger age. :confused:

    I don't know, I'm probably wrong there. :p

    But then still, obesity is just the result of a horrible diet and lack of exercise. There are people who have a horrible diet and never exercise who manage to stay skinny, but aren't they probably just as unhealthy when you get right down to it?

    Honest questions, I'm not trying to pick a fight. :smoking:
  20. You make a very valid point. Those are all other factors to take into this equation. Yet, do you know of a ton of skinny people with bad diets that have diabetes? Very low self-esteem caused by excessive weight?When I see an obese person it's an automatic assumption they have a lot of pounds pressing on their vital organs. A healthy diet is part of nutritional maintenance but a person with excessive energy storage is much more prone to health issues compared to a skinny person with a poor diet. It's mixing apples and oranges.

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