Lessons Learned

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by L337_h4x0r, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. I'm no expert, but I love to garden in general. These are a few lessons learned:

    1) Weed stinks...anyone within 30 feet will be able to smell it.
    2) Don't ignore pests. Catapillars can turn the best weed in the world into total crap
    3) fertalize fertalize fertalize. I'm no expert, I like organic stuff with stuff I can buy from a local garden store. Stuff going in the ground can take a lot of fets
    4) wait before you think a male is a male...be 100% sure. You may cut down a very nice plant.
    5) wait to harvest, when you think it is done, wait a week then a little more unless you run into lesson 2, then cut asap
    6)trimming is a big pain in the arse...it takes forever
    7) learn to make QWISO with all the leftovers. that shit is the bomb :hello:
    8) I don't know if molassas really works, but I plan on using it for all types of gardening going forward.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share my lessons learned while we all wait for 5150's harvest pics!:D

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