Leonardo's Organic Mini Run

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by LeonardoDGarden, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. #1 LeonardoDGarden, Nov 7, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2012
    Going to do a couple of organic plants in the spring. I'm not sure which variety yet, but I have a few things to get done before that becomes critical.

    I want to use my own potting mix for it, which calls for a lot of homemade compost. Of which I am currently shy of.

    So to start, I'm going to mix up a compost pile, I don't think I have enough material on hand to make a hot pile, but it doesn't freeze here, so even a warm one should have some goodness ready for next season. I've already seen a couple of worms in it. I'll add some more to it to top it off, and a little more after it first starts to shrink.

    The starting pile has:

    Lawn clippings (mine, no pesticides)
    Leaves (also mine, no pesticides)
    Cannabis and vegetable garden rootballs, stems, and leaves.
    Coffee grounds (free from starbucks)
    Some veggie kitchen waste (melon rinds etc)
    Fish goo from the koi pond.

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  2. hi you say fish goo from your pond.. i actually looked in my pond filter the other day and its full of worms castings and tiny reddish, pink worms... have you seen this in your pond filter? i scraped the worm casts out and am making a castings tea with it at the mo
  3. Can you post a photo of the worms? Even if I don't recognize them someone else might.
  4. i cant at the mo as my camera isnt working need to get new one maybe il be able to borrow my sisters at the weekend
  5. #5 LeonardoDGarden, Jan 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2013
    (pic 1) Pinched once.

    (pic 2) The compost is far enough along to use here. I filtered it, mixed 1-2 parts compost, 1 part coir, and 1 part perlite for the base mix.

    (pic 3) Kitty helping trim the lower leaves. (no I don't "let" him, just can't stop him).

    (pic 4) Catnip bud in bloom (yes, my kitties are spoiled, they get buds too)

    (pic 5) about ready to flip the lights and start flowering. Top dressed with blood and bone meal, kelp, kelp meal, powdered fish, guano, and a little rock phosphate with just a dash of potash.

    Attached Files:

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