Legit Hash? Laced? (Scared to smoke)

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Dabong420, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. #1 Dabong420, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
    Basically I got some hash off my dealer yesterday, I got 6g of it for 60, which was a good deal. It is kief pressed hash. It isn't like Afghan or Morrocco stuff. I have never bought any kind of hash before. I know what kief is but as far as I know kief doesn't have a smell. I think if it did have a smell it would smell skunky like bud. When i got it the bag consisted of 2 somewhat large bricks of hash probably weighing a little over 2g each, it looked very dusty and very blond colored, very kiefy. It was just 2 bricks of hash and the rest of the bag was crumbled up powder or kief. It looked legit, I'm guessing since it is kind of a brownish blonde color it is potent pressed kief? Here is what really got me though. The bag did not smell like weed AT ALL. It smells kind of spicy and somewhat earthy, smells alot like garlic with a tint of spicyness to it. Overall it does not smell like weed really at all. I am afraid to smoke it because i am not sure if it is real stuff or not. It looks real but it smells really funky. I am afraid to smoke it because I am afraid that the "kief" may actually be garlic or some kind of angel dust (PCP)? I just don't want to end up coughing my lungs up or smoking angel dust. Please help, I do not want to smoke something that may be laced. Also i have never bought off this dude before, he seemed really nice though. \t\t\t\t:confused:
  2. You wont know till you try it. Or post pics?
  3. You didn't say anything about your connect. How long have you been with him? I think it's real but I have no clue without a picture.
  4. it's not laced. sometimes hash doesn't had a danky smell like you'd assume.
    why would someone give you angel dust?
    it costs more than cannabis.
    and would just make your dealer lose money.
    it's fine, pretty sure.

    i mean, it could be laced. i mean it's possible. but in my many many years smoking i've never gotten any laced cannabis products.
  5. the hash doesnt smell exactly like weed, it does smell earthy, im pretty sure its hash, n it would make no sense for him to throw even more expensive drugs in there and sell u it for such a good price
  6. That's how weed is bro, it doesn't always smell skunky...it can smell like chocolate, dirt, spices, etc.

    Kief would have little to no smell compared to some dank nuggetry
    Pressed kief is pressed kief, just smoke it enjoy it
    if it looks anything like this, you're in the green
    warning: you will get high, kief is just like hash, very high levels of THC compared to nugs
    and no it's probably not laced with PCP, not only is that a waste of money, but you would definitely know from the smell, it smells like chemicals...not spices
  7. It's too expensive to lace pot or pot related substances with pcp, coke blah blah blah etc. without making the customer pay for that as well, with the price he gave you, i'd say it's just a good deal... Pics, and smoking it would both help.
  8. But I think you'll be thinking "Is this laced?" After you smoke it lol
  9. especially if it's your first hash experience :smoking:
  10. Also get ready to be messing with a wildfire of hits, cause it will take a while to go out :) haha I wish I had hash for this bowl
  11. It kind of smells like a kitchen spice, that's why I'm paranoid to smoke it. & I know but it can happen if someone wants you to get hooked. & from what I've heard pcp is easy to make.
  12. I can't try it at the moment but I will soon, hopefully tommorow. I will try and post a picture though.
  13. picture [​IMG]
    bad quality my camera sucks
  14. No i'm pretty sure you got pressed kief.

    ..pcp lol, naaah brother just toke it up.

  15. Yeah man that's just pressed keef, keef smells spicy and not like bud at all a lot of the time so just sprinkle that on a bowl and blaze up
  16. Looks like kief, you never know though he might be a dick and cut it with a bit garlic, the garlic powder in my pantry looks almost exactly like kief
  17. Yeah bro its good, toke it up. I had some hash bout a month ago, it was pretty strong. It was when I started smoking again, and with no tolerance I barely had to smoke any, and was gone. You don't need to worry about someone lacing weed, its not logical. Only thing you MIGHT need to worry about is when it was grown if pesticieds or anything were used.
  18. Looks like pressed kief to me, not hash but still gonna knock you on your ass it'll just be way harsher than bubble hash which is what you wanted.

    Not all weed smells skunky so I don't understand that question... Some of the best weed I've had smelled like very mild cooking spices.

    As far as it being PCP or another unmentionable, well, considering as far as I know any unmentionable around to day is far more expensive than weed, I don't see why someone would ever swap them out...
  19. Guys what if OP just went on angel dust killing rampage, lol
  20. 2 grams of some pretty nice kief. And by kief I actually mean this is a bag full of garlic...

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