Legalize Medical Cannabis In North Carolina

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Russ67, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Sign sign sign! Also does it matter if your from NC or not?
  2. Yes you have to be from NC They only count names from NC
  3. Not only Big pharma Big Tobacco too as the reps in Raleigh like to say Tobacco built this state :confused:
  4. as the reps in Raleigh like to say Tobacco built this state

    But it will be cannabis that saves it financially!

    Cannabis is a very "farmer-friendly" crop! When grown outdoors, cannabis needs less in the way of fertilizers and pesticides than tobacco and other crops like cotton (saving a big old load of money right there!) and like corn, cannabis can produce more than one usable product from each harvest. (fiber, medicine (CBD), biofuels, seed and oil!)

  5. The International Cannabinoid Research Society moved there operations to Research Triangle Park, in Raleigh NC, the year NCCPN worked for the first medical marijuana bill in 2009.
    Find Out Why this society is not sharing their knowledge with our state lawmakers. Go to their door, knock on it and ask them what they are researching and why they are not showing the science to our legislators.
  6. Cannabis/ hemp is a very "farmer-friendly" crop! and you can grow more then one crop a year out side in the southern states

  7. It's great knowing there are some decent people in this world who are doing research on things that actually matter. Im so sick of people researching stupid shit that doesn't matter. As far as a hemp crop I think that NC could benefit more and more each year as tobacco usage slowly declines. Our state was founded on tobacco and we've relied heavily on the money our tobacco farmers bring into the state. Tobacco is a thing of the past, I can't wait to see all those cancer causing fields replanted with hemp.

  8. Never thought about it like that awesome!
  9. I Moved out of Nc But Im gonna sign And send Email it to my friends in NC
  10. Just trying to keep this on the top of the list
  11. I saw in the paper that 30% of the sen seats will be open this election. May be some new blood will help our cause. I am having a shirt made up for this election that says "If you are currently in office, don't ask for my vote".

    You all be cool.
  12. I was thinking of making a t shirt with
    Don't like laws change the law makers
    now is the time

  13. Now, without starting a political debate because we all stand for weed, I'll say that we are currently in a Republican majority which is historically bad when it comes to things like marijuana, especially in NC.

    We should legalize pot and use the money to fund our failing public school systems as well as the financially distressed University of North Carolina Systems which is made up of 17 Universities including schools such as UNC and NCSU. They just voted on and approved another tuition hike. Legalize for Education!
  14. Now, without starting a political debate because we all stand for weed, I'll say that we are currently in a Republican majority which is historically bad when it comes to things like marijuana, especially in NC.
    SO True
  15. I agree thats a good plan...

  16. just trying to keep this up front
  17. signed emailed to everyone i know in nc

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