Legalization Update From Wa

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by greenbliss, Jun 12, 2013.

    Well keyword being ATLEAST, the average is likely higher. Also, Im not counting my friends toking either, only how often I see people I have never met smoking. Before leagalization I smelled this from others on average AT MOST once again key word being at most, the average likely being lower, every 10 days.
    If 1nd1ica is right, maybe its more in this area.

  2. To be fair...I don't get out much. I'm pretty busy with work, school, and being a parent. But I smell it generally when I'm out walking around my work and probably more frequently then every 3 days but I haven't noticed it more since legalization. I think we just live in an area with a lot of smoking as is....
  3. I live in Spokane WA, people have been smoking it casually outside for years now... i see no change, the cops dont bother whatsoever with it. I smoke outside of bars all the time, and there are a few bars in town now that just let you smoke outside in the cig section.
  4. #24 Budbro93, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
    If you are going to complain about smoke look around at all the cars, I'm far more concerned about the dangerous fumes coming from the vehicles than a joint. Sugar causes cancer and rots teeth, that kind of drug use is far more dangerous
  5. #25 Tree Burner, Jun 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2013
    In the long run it doesn't really matter, imo. Marijuana becoming widely accepted is inevitable. The numbers over the last decade show this. The people that are benefiting from it being illegal are obviously going to stand their ground but all of these guys in office are only going to be in office for so long. I'm guessing/hoping once the younger generations take over the country we will see a dramatic change.
  6. Let us not forget how quickly empires can fall. There may not even be a US in a few decades to worry about the laws with.

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