Hey, I know weed is illegal in Canada, but I was just wondering... if I were to get caught with, say, 5 grams, what would happen? I heard somewhere that you get ticketed if you have a certain amount on you, but i also heard that you just get your ass slammed behind bars even if you have as little as a gram on you... anyone know as to what the whole deal is? I'm too lazy to read all these official government documents about marijuana prohibition, and I just want to know.
Weed is not legal there, I know that for a fact. Edit: But there are medical purposes like MMJ states in the USA
It's illegal but some places it well ignored, I sit in my yard blazing up hardcore or sitting outside at some places smoking a joint. But you get the point never carry anything over a quarter most likely they'll take your weed and be on your way without attitude. I love British Columbia shit is so down to earth chill spot.