Legalisation of drugs could save UK £14bn, says study

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by d00sokal7, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Just more facts and data for our government to ignore. If I saw Jacqui Smith on the street I would honestly be tempted to punch her and run.
  2. yep...too bad they'll never realize prohibition fails regardless.

    maybe someday
  3. Fuck jacqui smith, i'll burn her house down.
  4. Can I come?

    Maybe lob burning Daily Mails covered in dog shit.
  5. Sounds like a plan!
  6. We could watch porn and make her pay for it!

    On a more serious note. I wouldn't expect the government to make a U-turn on the issue. They/we employ scientists whose sole job it is to advise them on the best drug strategies and then they go completely against what their findings suggests.

    I think we're a while off mass legalisation of drugs but I think we are probably getting closer. Seeing more positive news articles on the subject helps. I also think more young people have greater experience with drugs and generally have more liberal attitudes towards them, and so we may see a shift in the public perception as they mature.

    Only time will tell...
  7. Its only a matter of time until Cannabis is legalized, all the evidence is out there to prove Prohibition doesn't work and there isn't a single solid argument to show it does.

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