Legal? For now...

Discussion in 'General' started by theVirtuoso, May 3, 2007.

  1. Here's one...

    What things (related to smoking or just of that nature) do you think are legal now... but on their way to either stricter laws, or will be flat out illegal.

    One thing I don't think will be illegal, but will have stricter laws is the Hookah and the hookah bars. In my area, it has become VERY popular and you can always find kids under 18 in there... I was told at the big high schools they even air anti-hookah messages on the TV's now, saying how its bad for you and whatnot.

    Another thing I think will be Salvia, simply because it is misunderstood. It can be a great spiritual trip and whatnot, but just take a look at the video posted about a student or w/e that did a report on it. People are going to immediately believe any bullshit they hear about it, including health risks (just like marijuana before) because they will just hear about how kids are tripping off of it. I'm waiting for some BS news report where they show a video of a kid fake "tripping" and acting like all this bad shit is happening... lets face it... it will happen.
  2. Hookah bars in my hometown (reppin 408 yadda yadda) were pretty balls to teh wall about IDing everyone. I got away with a few underage folks with me but then again, I was a regular there and knew the owners.

    Salvia... oh salvia. Yes, the youtube videos aren't exactly the best way to judge it. I believe that it will stay legal however, simply because of that unknown factor right now. Honestly if we knew what tobacco was going to turn out to be, would you think we have said oh sure its legal?

    The problem with speculation is that it can lead to action....

    That said, I wouldn't be suprised if we see more imposing laws on things like poppeyseed and stuff like that. Things that can be used in a.... uh impure manner lets say. Granted not in the next few months, but maybe over the course of the next 10 years.
  3. Salvia's on its way to the same shit-hole that cannabis sits in. Won't be long now before people are fighting criminal charges for it.

    Hookah has swept the nation by force. I believe tobacco is going to stand on the same ground it always has. It's too large a market for them to just clear it out.

    They can be as strict about IDs as they want. The legal age will be 18 for a very long time, and 'fuck all to your health'.
  4. I agree.

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