Leftover Weed in Pipe??

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by stoji, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. I used to just pack, smoke, and store my pipe in a fabric bag where i kept all my weed stuff. Obviously, my bag started to get black and gross from the stuff I didn't smoke and left in the bowl. Then, I started putting my pipe in a sandwich bag then putting that in my fabric bag but that's just annoying to me. What do you guys do? Am I just going to have to try to only pack a little bit at a time? Or even just toss the leftovers in with the rest of my stash? I can't find anything anywhere that talks about this. Thanks in advance.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Keep your bud in a separate container. Old plastic dispensary containers work perfectly for this. Pre-grinding your bud makes it a lot easier too.

    Just pinch a bit of bud, pack it up, smoke your bowl, discard the ash. It's very handy on ski chairlifts ;)
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  3. I always just throw a pipe in a plastic baggy especially if there's still some half smoked bud in it. That way if it spills it just gets caught and it's no big deal. It takes 2 seconds to put it in or out of a bag
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  4. Pack as much as you want bro! Or sis and use the method that you are already doing it works fine and there is nothing too fancy about it, nor does there need to be. We're stoners, simple folk who need little to be content. <3 Bless.
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  5. I've been wondering how to store my pipe. is it safe to smoke the leftovers in the pipe?
  6. Of course it's safe silly socks! xd I've smoked leftovers plenty of times and always got high off them.
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  7. Scares me to even imagine fucking around with a pipe on that ha ha
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  8. Okay. I need to know the story behind this. lol
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  9. I live in BC, so smoking and skiing goes hand in hand. Sometimes we stop somewhere in the trees but often we blaze on one of the chairlifts that takes about 10 minutes to get up. After many years I've found a pipe, lighter and small joint container are the most convenient and easiest to use. Pregrinding your weed is a MUST. Nobody wants to be breaking up bud when its windy and -10C outside Just don't drop anything :D

    These old joint containers are the best.
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  10. I love how those look like M&M minis containers. xd I gonna have to pick up one or two like those as I have a few prerolled cones ready to go right now.
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