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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by scarbro1989, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. Hey fellow growers hope your all having a decent weekend. I have just swapped my cfl for a mars hydro 600 watt true output 300watt and just wondering if 20inches from the plant is high enough or should I go a bit higher. Thanks for any input or advice:)

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  2. Mars hydro could probably help you with that question. By the way, that light pulls 265 actual watts. Good luck with your grow.
  3. with the age/size of the plants i think 20 inches is going to be just a little too close. i would personally back them off another 6-10 inches... but honestly if you're paying attention to your plants, they will tell you if it's too much light or not. the leaves on plants that are getting too much light/heat will start to "taco", twist, and contort to reduce their surface area. so if the leaves look like they're flat and natural looking, you're probably good.
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  4. I shall keep a close eye. I know with the cfl they were pointing up and only put the mars in last night and they flattened out so I will make sure they stay how they are then. Thanks for the quick reply man
  5. Yeah i checked mate and it gave you quite a wide figure 18 to 32 I think it was.
  6. I start my LEDs 3 feet away for seedling for approximately 2 weeks then slowly lower afew inches here and there and let the plant grow into the light tell I'm 18 inches away then as the plant grows I move it up

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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  7. Thanks for the info I shall put it 30" since they have been in flower for 2 weeks and have another 6weeks in flower to go hoping to grow some trees lol
  8. Don't put it 30inches if there in flower 24 max min 12 but don't start low start high and see how the plants react and post pics and someone will help you or message me I'll help as best I can First Coco grow

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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  9. Veg mate I meant veg sorry about that
  10. Sounds good lol keep it higher in veg it's a great time to train them I tie mine down and pull bud sites away from the light they grow into it very fast a day or two

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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  11. That's what I'm planning on do it how do you tie yours down? I'm planning on getting a net. Also will be super cropping in a couple of weeks once their bigger

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