LED Lighting

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by AzKat, Jan 5, 2023.

  1. I will be growing for first time in about 10 years since they have now legalized in my state. I live in the high desert region of Arizona and will be growing 12 plants at a time in a 12' x 15' shed. Was still using high pressure lighting with ballasts last time. So, what will i need in LED lighting? What is good inexpensive set without sacrificing high yield?
  2. Your gonna need 6,300 actual watts to cover 12x15. Isn't going to be cheap any way you slice it.
  3. 5400w is 30w per ft2 and its a good wattage with quality lights imo. still it will be expensive.
  4. don't chuck the hps just yet, see it as free heating come winter time ...lol
    Spider Farmer SE5000 is getting the most popular but its pricy
    growing outdoors at least flowering outdoors at your place will offer great UV later in flower


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