Leaves are showing spots

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Yesyes3000, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. So I just transplanted to 3 gallon smart pots into promix cut with green and gold basic and one of the plants is showing serious signs of stress. Can anyone please help me with fixing it ? It’s a cheese clone and is 4 weeks old.

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  2. Have you given it any cal-mag at all ? It just looks like a deficiency of both of those ...
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  3. I have not but I just did tonight. I teaspoon per gallon and gave it one gallon
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  4. Sounds good....Give it a few days...should recover OK...
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  5. Thank you !
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  6. So this plant has recovered Quite nicely. Do I cut the areas that have messed up leaves ?
  7. Just pull off the bad leaves,and it'll be fine...
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  8. yea trim the bad leafs it will also help prevent bugs and it will just take the engergy saved and put it to something else. cal mag should be added to almost everything as most grow bloom nuits and soils lack on these niuts aswell.
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