
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by bazness12, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Yo people, just need a bit of advice on the leafs on my plant. Is it a wise idea to cut the big leaves off that are blocking light from reaching other growing shoots?
  2. I try to never cut healthy green plant matter. If a leaf is blocking a budsite:
    - tuck it
    - tie it back
    - cut just the blade(s) blocking the light rather than the whole fan
    - as a last resort, cut the fan

    Leaves are like solar panels, collecting energy for the plant, and also serve as storehouses for nutrients. You will need the stored nutrients later into flowering.
  3. Leaves are the food factory of your plant. They will tell you when to cut them off - they go yellow, starting at the bottom.

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