Leafs dieing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by babaman, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Hello,I have a plant that's 3-4 weeks into flowering and the bottom leafs are yellowing(with brown spots) and basically dieing. I must specify that this process is not very accelerated, and i was wondering if this is just natural (since the bottom leafs don't get that much light because of the ones above)or it's a problem caused by over feeding or maybe not feeding it enough.

    Here is a photo:
  2. That is normal. The oldest fan leaves will yellow and fall off as they get shaded or just old age. As long as it is just the bigger/lower fan leaves and the rest of the plant is healthy and growing all is well. How does the top of her look?
  3. The top is looking green and healthy ,and the buds are growing.

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