Leaf problems

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by CALAMITY671, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. First two pictures are from a indica/sativa hybrid, its parents are a Thai sativa/ blueberry.

    The third picture is from a pure landrace sativa from the Philippines from the Kalinga province.

    Here's my grow operations:

    I run an outdoor grow and we have high humidity. Since its rainy season here the humidity is above 80% during mornings and evenings and could reach above 90%. The temperatures are around 84°-87°F day, while night is usually between 72°-75°F.

    Since its rainy season I dont water them because it rains every 2-3 days. They're in 5 gallon containers with good drainage. And they sprouted beginning of April. I put them small cups as seedlings then moved them to the 5 gallons after they filled out their cups.

    I fertilize them every 10 days. I use Alaska fertilizers (0-10-10/ 5-1-1)and mix them to a 25.15.15. Then I mix it in 5 gallons of water and give each plant a gallon and a half.

    My soil was from my farm and was amended to give the roots a good time.

    So any ideas?
    20190717_093524.jpg 20190717_093700.jpg 20190717_093632.jpg

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  2. When I see little spots like that I think bugs.
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  3. If you cant find the bugs during the day. Go out at 12 or 1 am with a flashlight and find them all

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  4. This makes sense. I check on my plants every evening and morning and I never saw bugs. I'll try to go outside late at night to see what's up.

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  5. Do you have any idea what bugs they might be?

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  6. Those are very small spots which suggests the bugs, if it's bugs, are tiny. They may be too small to see. I guess you've looked on the back side of the leaves. Sorry, I have no idea.
  7. I have same spots on a few leaves, was just out and checked all of them maybe a hour ago, not a bug even with a 40x loop, but what I did notice was water spots, it's been so humid and wet that there is a very high dew point, this caused water spots to form tiny little drops and the sun bleached them, may be the cause and it may not. Buddy has same spots on random leaves that showed up after a rain we got. He thinks it's a combination of the humid ass weather and the particles in the air from the fires in Canada. Have another guy saying it's due to the shit in the air also.
  8. Hi mate i see you have some white mildew looking problems, this is caused by insects coz of high humidity issues, try a spray bottle with h202 and superthrive for a few days that should clear it up.
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  9. The temp right now here is 61 F, the dew point is at 59 F, and all 8 of my plants are covered in water from top to bottom, its the only thing we can think is causing this.
  10. That could be it too, I'm doing 2 sour diesel and they are very finicky and temperamental, if I go above 70% RH @30°C I get mildew, overnight and everything halts. By looks of things you're doing a sativa the leaves tell me if it's a indica or sativa, sativas like hot but not humidity, indicas however are on the opposite spectrum. Keep humidity low at night when temps drop humidity rises.
  11. #12 Dscdk, Jul 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    There all a NL hybrid but one BB Kush, most of what is seen in the picts is the flash reflecting off the water that builds up on the leaves, I get up almost every morning and give them a shake to get most of it off and by the time the sun is up and full on them they are all dry, we moved one plant inside to see if it was a powder mildew and it wasn't, looking under a 60x loop it's more of a stain, it's not spreading and is only on the lower leaves, both me and a buddy had it show up after a light rain during a 88 degree day that the sky was amber red due to being smoke filled from wildfires, I've asked a few others about this and all have seen this in the past under similar conditions. We even tried to dish a leaf to see if it grew white powder mold and nothing, just odd, I've found it on almost everything we got growing that went out during the time of the rain, it's not showing up on anything that's new growth after the couple days of amber sky Just odd imo...
  12. 20190717_025300.jpg this is what the sky looked like on june 24th and was like this for a few days while we had on and off rains.
  13. Wow looks like the end of days, lol.
    When I see white marks like that it's only thrips or mildew on its way,
    If it's not mildew then I don't know what it can be, apart from that there's a similar looking disease that's floating in Europe, it tends to leave a said looking symptoms on crops. However it hasn't reached USA yet, to my knowledge but it something to look for, and warn others.
    If not, its thrips many solutions out there to cope with it.
    If not, it's mildew decrease your humidity ease of spraying like you mentioned, I can see your in soil they don't need as much watering nor misting as hydro or soilless "coco".
    My bet it looks like minor mildew.
  14. Not a mold of any sort, took a snip of a leaf and tried to cultivate any kinds of molds and after 3 days there was nothing, it only showed up on the leaves that were exposed to the rains we had those days the smoke was in the air. Only thing several of us can think caused it. Not a single bug on any of the plants, and not spreading anywhere else, just odd.
  15. It's all good then really. Probably some cross contamination via aerosol dispersion of some sort, no major worries then, hit it with some mild superthrive and ro water it should relieve stress, if in deep flower try h202 without ST, happy growing man keep us posted
  16. So I ran a few of the leaves by a buddy that is a botanist, looking at them he said right away that it looks to be a problem all across the world right now, acidic rains from the fires in Canada and California, and other places across the globe, told me not to worry about it as it's not showing signs of damage or stress to the plant other then random spots of white, being it's on lower leaves he said just pluck them off and forget it was there. Did take them to run a few things and would get back to me.
  17. Just talked to a long time grower and he laughed, said he sees this every year on his outdoor grow, claims it's from tree pollen and dew, also said not to worry unless its spreading to new growth or the normal signs of mites, not spider mites but another mite. Told me if worried treat with a neem mix at dusk and just to keep a eye on them.
  18. That solves that then really, a isolated incident rather than a global phenomenon, happy growing bro.
  19. Do I dilute the h202? Or just buy it, put it in a spray bottle and spray?

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