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leaf issues

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by vincent1985, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. hello all

    these lovely girls are blueberry and pineapple autos. just over a week old.

    they germinated in there final pot under a 300w dual spec cfl

    the first set of leaves began to yellow at the tips and curl up, i put this down to heat stress so brang the cfl up a tad, monitorwed the situation and new growth seemed ok, checked today and tips of new growth are starting to yellow and look like they will also turn crispy as the lower sets did.

    these have not had any nutes or water, they are still running on there initial soaking of the soil before they were planted, all i added to that was an initial feed of voodoo juice (root stimulant) and some b52 additive.
    10ml of voodo as suggested in a new enviroment, then 2ml per alternated feed
    2 ml of b52 additive
    plain phed to 6.5 water.

    am i missing something?

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  2. Root stimulant is normally ok. Was the soil pre fertilized?
  3. Hello mate

    Thanks for reply. I used bio bizz all mix and bio bizz light mix in the other. I haven't added anything to this soil but ph water at 6.5 and voodo juice and b52 Additive.

    I'll take another pic of the girls tonight for you
  4. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1414625207.502278.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1414625218.085381.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1414625235.035489.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1414625248.468769.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1414625261.202086.jpg

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  5. #5 vincent1985, Oct 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2014
    Thing is I know something is wrong and there telling me. I haven't added any nutes to either the light mix or all mix soil. And they haven't been watered since the 16th of this month.

    This watering was the pre soak with voodo and b52. They sprouted on the 18th. Vibrant as anything. Lights have been on constant 24/7 so far.

    I've bought the light up from inches away to the distance in the latest photos.

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  6. WHEN you water, HOW MUCH do you water?
  7. #7 vincent1985, Oct 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2014
    I've only ever watered the soil once. A pre soak as stated with root stimulant and b52. When I did this pre soak I watered around 1 litre per pot

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  8. OK.  So those plants were germinated in those pots?
    I think your issue has to do with the "presoak".  Those are very young plants, and your soil is essentially "new", so it has plenty of available nutrients in it.
    I'm not familiar with the products that you're using.  Can you post pic's of the ingredients lists?
    I don't know what the directions on that bottle of root stimulant says, but it's never a good idea to use stuff like that until a plant is well established in it's pot.  When you're watching your plants on a daily basis and one day go, "Hey, these plants are really beginning to take off and grow fast!", that's when you use growth hormones (if you feel it's necessary).
    I would give them nothing but water for at least 2 more weeks.  Everything they will need is in the soil.

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