leaf blades

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gord420, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Ive been wondering for a while why my plants have less leaf blades than other plants ive seen. My plants only have 5 leaf blades on them and ive seen plants with 9 and 11 blades. How come my plants dont have the popular 7 bladed marijuana leafs. I have 4 plants right now and one is about 8 feet tall and has the odd 7 pointed leaf but the majority are only 5 pointed and 3 pointed. What is causing the leaves to only develop 5 points on them.
  2. Assuming your plants are otherwise healthy, then nothing to worry about. Blades per fan is largely due to genetics.

  3. So does this mean that the more points the better the genetics?

    Sorry to resurrect such an old post but i really did not want to dp.
  4. no thats not the meaning, just like different tree's have different shaped leaves, different strains of marijuana have different numbers of leafsets, and different widths etc. He just means the genetics (hereditary) of the plants. Have seeens a plant with mostly 3 and 5 leaf fan leaves though, thatd be interesting.
  5. good looks just was wondering,

    thanks for the quick reply
  6. Right, it is genetic variation but not genetic superiority. Just like some of us have blond hair and some brown hair, neither is better than the other.
  7. my clones start off with only 3 blades then go to 5 blades towards the top. when put to flowering all come out with 5. does not effect potency but I would also like to see 7.

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