Latest time to water?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Chronitron, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. What time do you guys think is the latest possible time to water during the day for a green house garden? I've been watering consistently between 9-10am every time I have to water but some days I find that my plants need water the day before I plan on watering but find the problem after 2pm so I don't water til the next day. I'm wondering what time everyone thinks would be the latest time to water. Thanks everyone! :smoking:
  2. :bump: anyone? this is something that i could use later in the season.
  3. It all depends when the sun is hitting your plants, I have an outdoor plant that gets direct sunlight from like 8am to 6pm, then the sun is behind some trees, so I would feel safe watering my plant anytime after 4pm. If my plants need some water badly, I dont care what time it is, Im feeding them.

    I really like to water my plants at like 6am though, Im growing different than you though, I got to hike to my guerilla spot to water, you have yours in a greenhouse. If I had a greenhouse I imagine I would feed my plants before I go to bed.
  4. water them first thing in the morning.
  5. i would advise you, if your plants do get a lot of sunlight, to water them at night, this way you lose less water to evaporation which is also a very big reason why your plants might be dry. if i was you i would go pick up some peat moss or any moisture retaining matter and put it on the top of the surface area of the soil, this way when you water you keep more water for your babies and less to the sun, hope it helped!!!

    (btw, i just got moss from the forest 2 feet away from me lol works well i usually go water every week and often the soil is still mildly damp, good growin!)
  6. Honestly, IMO, it doesnt matter when you water them. Think about it, in nature, it doesnt rain at the same time every day, it is entirely random. Just water your plants when they need it, dont wait til the next morning if they say they are thirsty at night.
  7. Water them any time of day you want to. Mother nature does.
  8. Thanks for the help everyone. This really does help me out in the long run :)

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