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Last of my 4th.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Trav-con, May 26, 2009.

  1. Ok, so today and Saturday I spe t the afternoon to finish off the last of my 4th. All I had left was like 1.5-2g's of scraps, the shit that falls of the bud. Saturday I smoked it and was knocked of my ass. Today was the same, but the taste of the smoke was horrid! I couldn't wait to finish of the bowl. But what did it taste so bad?! I'v never had this happen the 3 almost 4 months iv been toking.
  2. Nope no stems, my dealer (good buddie of mine) de stemed/seeded it rate in front of me. I did use a bubler, but I replace and clean after EVERY use.
  3. sounds like you had a seed in there ever smoked a seed? taste like burnt ass
    sometimes they get grinded up into tiny pieces

  4. Might be, I seriously gaged from the stench/taste of the bowl, not the hits or anything because I milk the bub, exhal, take my hit. So I get 2 hits from one milk. But yea it was a pretty bad taste.
  5. Ya probably a seed just didnt notice it and your guy probably missed it. One question tho does your dealer de stem/seed it and then weigh it out? or weigh it out then do the de steming and seeding?
  6. he weighs it after he dose that shit. He a good freind if known since 7th grade, he back from college for summer. His job is dealing/movie store clerk. He even
    Rolled a joint. Score I got their we smoked it before he did his shit. He was probly high and missed one, like you said. Who knows it did the job. Even tho it tasted like ass.
  7. haha ya for sure bro thats a pretty tight dealer when i was sellin schwagg i had a big bag of stems and seeds and would put extra seeds and stems so that it would weigh more lol but i realized that was fucked up later on lol.
  8. Hey man, sounds like you got a really cool dealer. Well, I'd say a little bit of seed must have got in there. Did it give you a headache afterward? All it takes is a little bit of seed or even a little bit of stem to ruin your day, lol.
  9. Yea I had a hella long headake after I woke up when I fell asleep. Musta been a seed. And yea my dealer is cool as hell.
  10. I am not sure about the headache, but kief tastes like ass to me. I don't know what it is because it is awesome shit but I smoked a bowl today that was 25% kief and it tasted horrible.

    However I am feeling great 3 hours later. :D

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