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Large outdoor grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by krazdballer, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. Ok ive always wanted to grow but just never had the time, drive, money, and place to grow. Lately ive been thinkin about growin in a shed and i posted a few threads about it but i priced everything out and it is just way to much money for an indoor grow. So i started thinkin what if i just wait and start a grow outstide when the next grow season starts i mean its cheaper and i can get more plants goin so why not. First i started out by callin up some people i know that have alot of land (15+ acres) in the middle of nowwhere so the only cops that will be around there are state police and they dont ever go around there. I have two different people that will let me do if for some bud when i harvest it all I agreed with no problem at all. Next i started callin up some friends that know alot about growin and have had a couple small grows themselves (15 plants). I found one friend inperticually(sp) that i wanted to grow with and he agreed. He told me if i get the seeds and the place to grow he would help grow them. I am planning on getting over a 150 plants growing (I will not be dealin just smoke alot:smoking: and will be giving my friends mad bud for free:D) and i choose some strains that i think will be good. Now my only problem how do i keep animals such as deer and shit outve my plants also how can i tell whos going through my plants ive heard of cameras that i can mount in trees but im not gonna be able to watch all the tapes 24/7 and they can get pretty expensive and im spendin all my money on the seeds. I also wanted to put some sortve fence around it but i priced them out and for such a big area im gonna need it will get pretty expensive. I also have one other worry what happens if a helicopter or something flys over my plants and sees them is there somthing i can do so they wont notice them. And one more question is a good place to buy seeds and will there be any problem ordering over a thousand dollars worth of seeds to the US i mean i know they use discrete shipping but thats alot of seeds. Any opinions good or bad are appriciated. Thanks in advance for all the help.

    Edit: me and my friend are trying to figure out a way to water theses plants. since her only had a small grow he could use a gardening hose set on mist. but this will be over an acre away from this guys house making it really hard to get a hose there, and i really dont feel like taking buckets back and forth. We cant have it any closer to his house cause hes not gonna tell his girlfriend about our little deal. please help
  2. 150 plants in one area is pretty ballsy, i'd spread them out unless you want trouble.
  3. Ya I think you will need to think this through a bit more. 150 plants is quite a bit and not all are going to be females so your going to do a lot of work for nothing.. Its not as easy to grow as you think, its not just putting seeds in the ground. You need to dig your holes whitch would be quite a bit of work lol, soil for 150 holes, chicken wire unless you dont care if your plants get eaten, and ferts unless you decide not to use any.. If I could put out 150 plants I would, but realisticly I cant because its so much work/money and theres no where for me to put them with out them getting busted. Also why do you want to grow 150 plants just to smoke? You should think about maybe starting out with only a couple plants. And if you can grow in a shed you should start growing a couple mother plants for next year and you can drop the clones in the ground and not have to worry about your plants being males and you wont have to spend so much on seeds.
  4. Hey man this is my first year growing outside and I only have about 30 plants and thats a lot of work. If I was you, and this is what I am going to do next year, is grow some mothers inside over the winter, just one or two, and put all clones out. The time that goes into just pulling males sucks, so go with all females. This way you can cut down on the overall number of plants needed.

    Also if you don't have a water source near your plants you can dig a hole that will hold water or place some LARGE container in the hole to hold water. This method I found works good. I was Lucky to have soil that holds water well. My hole is about 2' wide, 3.5 long, 3.5 feet deep. It has to be big enough to scoop water out off and remember its won't always be full. And try to make it blend in as much as possible.

    GL with your grow man!
  5. not dealin!

    I started 40 seeds april 1st now I have 21 5-8 ft monsters that have been fimmed twice.

    thats 21 plants and im expecting 10 lbs +...... and you have 4 times as many as me.... you do not need 40 lbs for personal use..... grow fewer plants spread out and make each on count
  6. I know its gonna be alot of work but im pretty sure i can do it with 2 people, and worse comes to worse i can always recruit a couple more people if i have to. I mean if i built a house with my dad im pretty sure i can grow plants(especially with my friends help).
  7. Just remember the more people that know about your spot the more likely it is to be taken. It may not be your buddies but someone they told about it or something

    I wish you luck man and be sure to post pics
  8. just remember 2 can keep a secret if the other guy's dead
  9. Ya unless your %100 positive you can trust him just do it by your self.. People can get greedy.. Plus after you take out the males and split the plants with him your going to be left with a lot less plants..
  10. <HR>Ok ive always wanted to grow but just never had the time, drive, money, and place to grow. Lately ive been thinkin about growin in a shed and i posted a few threads about it but i priced everything out and it is just way to much money for an indoor grow. So i started thinkin what if i just wait and start a grow outstide when the next grow season starts i mean its cheaper and i can get more plants goin so why not. First i started out by callin up some people i know that have alot of land (15+ acres) in the middle of nowwhere so the only cops that will be around there are state police and they dont ever go around there. I have two different people that will let me do if for some bud when i harvest it all I agreed with no problem at all. Next i started callin up some friends that know alot about growin and have had a couple small grows themselves (15 plants). I found one friend inperticually(sp) that i wanted to grow with and he agreed. He told me if i get the seeds and the place to grow he would help grow them. I am planning on getting over a 150 plants growing (I will not be dealin just smoke alot:smoking: and will be giving my friends mad bud for free:D) and i choose some strains that i think will be good. Now my only problem how do i keep animals such as deer and shit outve my plants also how can i tell whos going through my plants ive heard of cameras that i can mount in trees but im not gonna be able to watch all the tapes 24/7 and they can get pretty expensive and im spendin all my money on the seeds. I also wanted to put some sortve fence around it but i priced them out and for such a big area im gonna need it will get pretty expensive. I also have one other worry what happens if a helicopter or something flys over my plants and sees them is there somthing i can do so they wont notice them. And one more question is a good place to buy seeds and will there be any problem ordering over a thousand dollars worth of seeds to the US i mean i know they use discrete shipping but thats alot of seeds. Any opinions good or bad are appriciated. Thanks in advance for all the help.

    Edit: me and my friend are trying to figure out a way to water theses plants. since her only had a small grow he could use a gardening hose set on mist. but this will be over an acre away from this guys house making it really hard to get a hose there, and i really dont feel like taking buckets back and forth. We cant have it any closer to his house cause hes not gonna tell his girlfriend about our little deal. please help </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Seems like your mind is bigger than your muscles and time. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
    From my experience and knowledge 150 plants means;<o:p></o:p>
    Time. Expect not to have any time on the weekend for anything else than your plants. You will have to dig 150 holes or a large enough patch to support them 100X100 '= 12 hours minimum. Carry soil (recommended) 150/25= 6 @ 40 pound pro-mix bags of soil at least, 25 plants per bag another 2 to 4 hours (depends on the distance your traveling). Planting time, each plant maybe 30 sec to a minute per plant or 45 mins to 1:30 mins. Then watering about the same time to planting another 45 to 1:30 mins. Pruning and extra work - includes super cropping, tying down - maybe 1 min per plant X 150 plants = another 150 mins or 2 1/2 hours x 2 (or how many times you plan on this).<o:p></o:p>
    All the above time is only for setting up the plants and pruning. This does not include watering times -10 hours, harvest times -24 hours, other issues (pest control/setting up fences/driving times) 12 hours.<o:p></o:p>
    So from my past experiences for your initional set-up not including fert trips/water trips/driving times/fences/pest control.....we be a minimum of 18 to 24 hours of work (also add another 10 hours for the unexpected issues). So expect alot of work with this plan of 150 plants. I don't think this is impossible but it will require alot more work than you realize or want to. I would try something a little smaller maybe 40 to 50 plants. With that amount you will still have alot of good quality weed, then for the following year if you think 50 plants was manageable then up it to 150 plants, I bet you won’t......unless you quit your job or school or both.<o:p></o:p>
  11. Im by no means an expert or anything but:

    Growing 150 plants on someone else's land sounds like a pretty bad idea. Maybe if you have about 10 different plots going so its not so obvious. But then you have to add in even more work time than what everyone else has said. Try growing 150 plants together in a field and someone is going to notice.

    I think you've already told way too many people. You always think that your buddies wont bend you over and fuck you but they will when you are dealing with that much money and pot. If 3 people get drunk and run off at the mouth guess how many people at that party just realized you have 150 plants in the middle of nowhere...

    So you are trying to tell all of us that with 150 plants growing secretly that your buddies girlfriend isnt going to notice when shes at his house? She and alot more people will know whats going on.

    Saying that you are growing 150 plants for personal use is some stanky BS if you ask me. You cant just get greedy like that because your F'd if you get busted. Try telling the authorities that your not dealing with 150 plants.

    Do some research and try growing maybe 10 or 20 plants since its your first year. 20 plants is going to be alot of work if you are half as involved as most of the people on this site. Not ripping on you, just use the search button. You've got a few months over the winter so just do research and you will be amazed at what you can learn.
  12. ordering $1000 dollars of seeds is retarded. take one year and grow 10 plants. don't pull you're males, and bam, you've got all those seeds....for free...with no worries of getting arrested. you also talked about doing an indoor grow in a shed. you could do the same thing in the winter (if it's warm enough) and still be able to grow next summer:D
  13. I'm not in any way shape or form an expert in this shit, and I especially no nothing about growing outdoors. But if I were in your shoes:

    I would want more strains than a larger number of plants in each strain, so I would get 5 different strains.

    Try to germinate 2 seeds per strain.

    Grow 10 Plants indoors in big-ass pots and cheap CFL lights to get the plants to about 6 weeks in vege.

    Put the light on a timer and set it on 11/13 (11 hrs on, 13 off) for 2 weeks to get the plants to show sex.

    Throw out the male plants so I'm left with Only females in the garden. Should be at least 5 females. Hopefully one of each strain, if any strain(s) end up wit no females, I'll do the same thing with 2 more seeds of the strain(s)

    Take as many clones off each plant as I can get. Should be at least 10 good clones per plant.

    That way I end up with at least 50 sure female plants, which is a hundred times better than growing 150 then trying to weed out the males, and if you miss just one, your grow is messed up.

    Those 50 plants will also be ready to flower in about 4-5 weeks.

    At this time, before flowering, I'd be able to take 4 clones per plant, and leaving enough branches to get some amazing bud. Thats 200 new clones that will be ready to flower in about 4-5 weeks.

    About 5 weeks after taking the clones, I would have harvested 50 plants (approx. lbs.) and have 200 plants that are now ready to flower and every one of them would be female. At this point, I would take as many clones as I wanted, probably about 3 hundred, cuz It's be hard to expect all of them to survive (I would be to focused on the 50 flowering plants).

    So by the end of the 6th month, I would have 3 pounds!!! And towards the end of the 8th I would have at least 12 more pounds!!! So in about 8 months I would've harvested 15 mothafucking pounds of all natural, seedless bud!! That almost averages to 2lbs/month. 6 months seems kinda long to wait for some weed, but it takes at least 5 anyway to get a good smoke out of the weed.

    All this and I can still expect another 12 fucking pounds in just another 6 weeks (the clones I took off the two hundred)


    Biggest problem that I see with your whole plan is timing... It's already August, so doing it this year would be impossible, so you might as well do what I suggest and start indoors around new years, get some experience, expand your garden while having zero males and maybe even get some more strains, so that by april next year, u could put out the 150 most resilient, 100% sinsemilla plants out there and get some amazing all-natural, seedless weed.

    Dam.. I think I jizzed a little just thinking about that. No homo.

    - Sloppy G
    *Actual results may vary, but remember most gardening errors are by the grower, not the plants or the plan.

    Haha, Good luck!!
  14. Hey, krazdballer, you appear to have already severely violated Rule No. 1 - DON´T TELL ANYBODY !!!

    With all the people you have already flapped your mouth off to, growing 150 plants will guarantee you will be meeting Bubba and making lots of other close new friends.
  15. Well, first off i'd check NORML's website for your state laws.

    If you want to do that, i think with the proper amount of reading, planning, you can pull it off.

    You dont want to put all 150 at your buddies place. If something happens, that's a lot to be sitting on. Spread them out over 10-15 different gardens.

    Watering 150 plants, well... If you're lucky you'll have dug 3x2x2ft holes, and when it rains your plant will be fine for at least a week. Go over a week w/out rain, and its on you to water them.

    If you had 10 plots of 15 plants each, thats simple. Dig two extra holes, put a 5 or 10 gal bucket in it, fill it up. Every time you have to go water, bring 2 or 3 gallons with you to top the buckets off.

    Nutrients, you can probably go with Miracle Gro for this and get away with it. Personally i'd go with fox farm organics, but thats just my personal thoughts. Nutes for that many plants can be expensive, unless you prep the holes properly. Then you just have to give them a low dose when you water.'

    I think you and your friend could do this, but it requires very careful planning, the ability to tell no more than the 2 of you.

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