LAPD Officer Involved Shooting

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dokc, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Video


    He put the officers in danger.
    The officers put themselves in a disadvantageous position allowing danger to happen.
    He went for the officers gun.
    The officer put himself in a position where the assailant could reach for the officer's firearm.
    So I am always wrong and these cops obviously acted in the best interest of the public. I know. Cops are always right. There is always more to the story. 
    I mean, nowhere does it say that the man WASN'T armed with an RPG right?
    Sure there were five cops, but nowhere does it say that the man WASN'T SUPERMAN right?
    I know. I'm wrong. Very wrong.


  2.'s just another day that ends in 'y'.
  3. 6 cops who cant take down an unarmed homeless man are pussies.

    Any way you cut the pie,

    If it takes six of you to restrain and then murder someone, you are a shit cop.

    You should hand in your badge and gun. You couldnt protect yourself, let alone a city of people who need protection.

    My honest opinion.
    ~ poke

    P.s. every time i see cops murdering people i am reminded of the standoff in nevada where the feds backed down.

    There is power in numbers. Remember that later.
  4. Damn
    Shooting someone on the ground?
    That's some shit
  5. I heard a taser being deployed before people start saying "why didn't they use a taser"

  6. Shoulda stayed in his box and watched netflix all day.
  7. In the cops defense would you want to touch a homeless person? I need a shower just thinking of it.
    On the real though this is fucked. Today there was 3 masked men shot at police it is believed to be retaliation at this time but that doesn't add up to me based on the story I read.
  8. I believe the pigs have already investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. Big surprise.
  9. Can't stand this type of shit. Makes me sick. Is he on paid leave?
  10. They always get a paid vacation after a shooting. It's SOP and im sure backed by the LEO union.
  11. The cops were responding to a 911 call about an assault and robbery, somebody obviously called for help.

    If you ask them, most homeless people will tell you that they have someplace to go but it's too far away from their drug dealers and the rest of the "action", they even fight over the best places to panhandle for dope money. This particular civil rights icon is a convicted bank robber and illegal immigrant who was refused entry into his HOME COUNTRY of Cameroon as well as France, who will take anybody in. Also on his resume of accomplishments are fraud and identity theft.
    Not that the cops are any better. Crime has been falling overall, yet 2014 saw the highest number of police shootings in 2 decades. That's exactly what conservatives have been predicting as a result of lower hiring standards, from the Rampart scandal to today yet many people blame right-wing politics for creating these situations. Nothing could be further from the truth, liberal policies create the very problems they are purportedly trying to solve, thus creating the need for more liberal policies. Leftism is a self-fulfilling ideology.
    What's most interesting to me is that nobody came to the defense of the first homeless guy who was attacked, but all of a sudden everybody cares about the violent guy who got shot because he was going around attacking other homeless people. Fucking ironic when you think about it.

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