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Laced weed, looking for help (have short video)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Ant B, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. #1 Ant B, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    Hi friends. This weed is causing bad headaches for people, and looking for help. Please watch these two short videos that are literally 2 minutes long together, and help out.

    First is weed being mixed with normal drinking water, and see reaction when shaked:

    Second is the orignal state, and a little more shaking after a minute of soaking:

    I have an idea what's been mixed, but I don't want to bias any opinions by saying. Or tell me that this is normal, and nothing is laced. Thank you for your time and help.
  2. What we lookin at the cjange in water color?

    Sent from my SM-J727P using Tapatalk
  3. #3 Ant B, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    No sorry, I thought the bubbles and white water were super suspicious, because they've been smoking for a while and this batch was hurting their brain immediately after each smoke. Thought maybe there was laundry detergent in this one, making all the soapy bubbles and white water. Plus, it smells a little soapy when it's dried out, after it lets its natural weed smells out.
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  4. Likely rushed and not flushed properly.

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  5. I don't know why anything you shake that vigorously would not look weird, but I agree with @ICGreen. What you can try is a water cure to remove excess nutes/chlorophyll. If you're interested I'll give details. What happens if you let it stand after shaking it?
    Good luck, mate. You're smart to be cautious and check it out. Putting it in water was brilliant.
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  6. #6 Ant B, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    Thank you. Do you know what may not have been flushed off of it? Trying to figure out what may have injested.

    Thank you too. Can shake normal water, and it goes back to flat in moments. But this mix leaves soapy bubbles that last minutes, white stuff gets left in the water, and after sitting for over an hour there is still a small layer of white bubbly scum left on top. What are nutes? And can you think of any other things that may be on it?

    Not interested in saving this stuff that has left hurting, going in the trash, but thank you.
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  7. Actually he is right, the water cure should purge it off the left over nutrients etc. The weed will be a bit more bland tasting, but should eliminate the chemicals, get you high, and be a smooth toke.

    Worth a shot.

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  8. #8 Joker1121, Jul 31, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
    I'm sure trashing it is the wisest move. Nutes are nutrients, fertilizers used in growing. Normally a grower will feed only water for two weeks or so before harvest to "flush" the nutrients from the plant. Your grower may have skipped or under performed flushing the plants.
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  9. I actually found some weed once that I swear was laced with detergent. It was happening in Detroit they would spray windex then coat in detergent to add weight I guess ‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  10. Hello you two, hope you see this and can provide a response. There was talk between the seller, and he assures nothing has been done to it, no chemicals were used, just "water, soil, and clippers". That the oils and THC can make these soapy bubbles. Can somone sacrifice a little bud they enjoy, and see if they can produce similar soapy effect in water? Thanks much if you can counter the seller's ideas.
  11. He is saying he used no nutrients or feedings? I call bullshit.

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  12. Ya exactly. Do you think a grower who has been growing for years, selling pounds+ regularly, uses absolutely nothing but "soil and water"? "No chemicals are used". Is that something that can happen in your opinion?

    And how can the seller be so certain? Do dealers ever ask growers how the green was grown?

    He's also claimed that some batches don't mesh well with certain people. Different batches have never been a problem for the past decade. Is this something that happens? That some people get pain in their head from a certain strain of green?

    Thanks for continuing to talk with me, I understand these are opinions and not facts.
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