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Laced, Brix, or Moldy Weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jamesl1618, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. I usually buy from a trusted source, but where I currently live I only had one trusted source who stopped dealing. So I was forced to buy from a friend of a friend. This person is one of two people my friend usually buys from, and I have smoked my friend's weed before and it's really good.

    I've been smoking pretty regularly this past year. I've smoked really, really good weed, and also really, really bad weed. But this weed was different.

    The amount I received was less than half of what I paid for, so I immediately knew something was wrong. My friend and I decided to give it a go, first. It smelled okay, but it tasted awful and had problems burning. Only the outside of the weed burned and it had a lingering crackle. It was a really weird "high." For what seemed like only a few minutes things were really weird. My legs went numb. Then I sort of seemed to lose feeling altogether. When I inhaled smoke, I couldn't feel it at all. Then there was a cold, almost menthol-like sensation in my head. Then I felt it above my knees and in my heart. My friend experienced the same feeling. I still feel it in my heart. Things seemed so close to me at one moment, and when I blinked they were far, far away. Conversations between my friend and I were a little difficult because we both kept tripping over our words. For those few minutes we both felt really, really good. It felt like a rush. We were both incredibly confused.

    We were in a car, and by the time we had packed up the bowl and driven maybe a mile, we both lost the high. My legs, which had been numb, started aching. My friend's hands ached. We both feel really off. I just feel heavy and groggy. My eyelids can barely stay open yet I can't sleep. Normally I would be sleeping perfectly. I'm just here and feel super indifferent.

    I asked my friend for some more info. Apparently it's been through a lot of people. The person I got it from "got it from someone who got it from someone who got it from someone who got it from xxxx fraternity house."
    I go to a large public state university, and this particular fraternity is pretty sketchy. They were recently busted for something, but I don't know what. It's said that my school has a problem with fraternities drugging girls unwilling or lacing weed. I rushed and dropped, but I know a decent group of people in that fraternity do lace their weed.

    I asked the person who I got the weed from if he had smoked the same weed before, and he said he did. He didn't think anything was wrong with it. But that's clearly bullshit.

    I know lacing weed is uncommon but given the circumstances, what do you think? Something's really sketchy about the story. I had a feeling someone smoked half of it, then it got wet/moldy, then that person tried covering it up by spraying brix or something to add weight and re-sell it for full price. But the after effects are quite odd. My friend and I also thought of the possibility of the fraternity attempting to lace their weed for 4/20, because it's something that would happen at my school, but they didn't do it properly and their experiment failed. Then they sold it to make their money back or get rid of it and it's been going through sketchy people ever since. But maybe that's us being over analytic lol.

    It was the grossest tasting herb I've ever smoked. Also, it's really stiff and brittle and when packed in the bowl you could see a top, powdery white layer. Which I didn't really think about. I've never seen moldy bud before, so I dunno. Sorry, I didn't know how to condense this story : /
  2. Wow, i steer clear of laced weed. Do not buy from that guy anymore
  3. I havnt really had any laced weed other then codeine so i cant really comment. Probably that or pcp or some other sketch shit.

    Or you just got really high and are just thing things.
  4. Suprise! You're addicted to meth now!
  5. Just dank. Or laced with synthetic cannabinoids. Nothing else is Fitting.
  6. What if becomes addicted to the drug he got laced with, Didn't know what drug it was then freaked out trying to find out haha.

    Probably was just dank as fuck, Post pics.
  7. It's definitely not dank weed at all. It's got a pretty brownish color, smells mediocre (almost like it's "muffled"), and the ash is hard, clumpy, and not white at all. At first I just thought it was the shittiest weed I had ever encountered haha. I'll post a picture later today.
  8. You said there was a top powdery white layer on it when you put it in the bowl, and you still smoked it?

    Natural selection at work right here.

  9. I'd do what this guy^ says. He sounds very logical.

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