KoreaZ's First Grow (28 Seeds)

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by KoreaZ, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Hey TokeCity,

    So June 01, 2009 was the first day of being clean for the next ten years, because im going to the United States Naval Academy for college! w00t!...gota get clean =/

    I have always been interested in cannabis since the day I started to smoke, always surfing the net and absorbing all information on cannabis that i could. From building pipes from things laying around the house, to purchasing and collecting over $3000 in glass, I have yet to have my own grow.

    I have been collecting seeds from purchases since my first bag, separating them by strain, but idiotically forgetting to label them =P. But at least I have the seeds by the strain and I can always just make up some crazy name like "omgthebudillneversmokecauseofthenavydrugtest bud".


    On June 03, 2009, I decided to take this into my own hands. I went to my mother and said "im growing some plants", and of course she asked "what plants" and I said, "cannabis!". With a shrug of the shoulders, she seemed to be ok with it, so I went to work! (maybe this is because my grandparents from my dads side grew fields of cannabis for "the hemp"....LOL sure...)

    I got all my seeds and weeded out the ones that I didn't like (small ones), starting with 33 seeds and ending with 28.

    I put the seeds into groups by strain, and germinated them between two damp paper towels that i placed in a plastic bag for humidity and heat, and placed them into two shoe boxes.


    Then today, June 04, 2009, I removed the seeds from the paper towels and put each seed into its own little container (put slits in a X on the bottom for proper drainage and ventilation). I know I might have done this prematurely but i'm growing indoors and have nothing to hide from the parents, and with my OCD on details ill make sure I don't over water, or under water...I hope (maybe someone can help me with this =D)

    The soil I used is home made by my dad, and I added a supplement to the soil that had a lot of nitrogen, as I believe I read that nitrogen is very important and will help a lot in the growing process.

    Now the setup is sitting in my room next to my lamp.


    I also used colored markers to mark which cup has which strain.

    But I'm thinking of moving the whole thing down to my laundry room where its a lot warmer in the house, since the seed have not sprouted yet (what you guys think?). Or ill place a dome over the whole thing. (does it always have to be clear? I have a light blue container that would also work perfectly once I put air holes, as long as the blue is ok.)

    Hopefully my first grow will go well as long as I pay attention to the signs the plants show me, and use the knowledge that people may offer on this thread. What you guys think? Have I missed anything? Am I on track?.

    Thank you for reading my post! :cannabis:
  2. good start bro.

    Yeah seeds germinate best when around 80F. I would keep them in the paper towels until they germinate. Then I would place them in cups.

    Good luck:)
  3. I already placed them in the cups and stuff, and started to water them. so i think ima keep them there. But that's mainly because im kinda lazy, and if i do it right they will grow anyway haha
  4. Man, this guys got the cups of dirt and everything! Greenthumb baby!:rolleyes:
    Lol I just had to break your balls a bit, what kinda lights are you using?
    Also, I appreciate you for deciding to serve our great country.:hello:
  5. Sigh, unfortunately my parents said for a indoor grow 28 seeds is way to much...lol yea o well.

    But they did say they will let me keep 1-3, and let me take care of them and let them grow to any size I want. So...ima grow a couple to crazy sizes.

    Ill post some pics soon, when the little seedlings start to come out. Then I will transplant them to maybe a 5 gal pot so I can let it go buck wild =P

    As for the light, I didn't bother to do that yet but I will soon. But to be honest since I cant smoke im growing these plants for just the beauty of the plant, I could care less about the flower. Its all about the experience for me ^^

    Thanks for all your guys input
  6. Hey there good friend!

    I noticed your in Korea, well at least you thread title says it. I recently was in Korea for 16 months (Air Force) and loved it. So much different from the United states, I absolutely love the food and probably miss that the most. Then again- I also loved the Soju!!!!Mashithha...haha

    Anyways its a good idea sticking with 3-4 plants if it is your first time and your growing indoors. 20+ plants, wow I couldnt even imagine all the work. Just use the right lighting and get your hands on some good soil and you should be alright. Organic ferts if you can find them over there too. Good luck buddy and take care:hello:
  7. hahahah thx buddy

    The seedlings haven't popped there little heads out of the soil yet, but im just waiting for them to ^^.

    Pics will come as soon as I see some kinda life coming out of my pots!

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