Knutz bud.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by AsianBlastaTRON, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Hey guys! I am a pretty heavy toker from Alabama, I am in D.C. right now with my pipe and about 5.6 grams of bud I snuck on the plane using my jock strap (yea, I know but the bud was saran wrapped in 3 layers). I have been a forum member of but found grasscity to be better so I joined. Bout to go smoke this bud I took so much effort to get here, so cheers. :hello:
  2. Have fun with that bowl, and yea, we are much better than those other forums

    all of them
  3. You are indeed a courageous person. I will not inquire about the jock strap....

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