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Kindbud's Pickups: Michigan's Finest (updated often)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by guest5555555555, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. #1 guest5555555555, Sep 26, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2010
    its been a while since i made a pickup thread so here's big one with older and more recent pickups. ps if you have seen some of these pics in previous pickup threads of mine dont hate, im just trying to keep everything together.

    Fucking Incredible (kinda dumb name, but it is in fact a strain)

    Red Dragon (really cool reddish hues)
    Blueberry Kush
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    my bong (now deceased)

    Strawberry Cough
    some no name
    upstate NY homegrown
    Purple diesel
    Golden Haze
    [​IMG] and a closeup

    CA big bud
    [​IMG] and a closeup of the purples
    Purple Widow
    Orange Bud

    ill post some more later... enjoy

  2. Wow, I'm kind of shocked that no one's commented yet considering how awesome these nugs are. +rep
  3. #3 guest5555555555, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2009
    CO outdoor goodness

    Grape Ape

    thanks frank... i know i was expecting at least a few people to stop in
  4. Intense pics!!!!
    Im so jealous
  5. Very nice nugs
  6. Some awesome buds you got there! Hope my grow looks anything like the quality of these:D
  7. Beautiful, smoke some of those fine buds for me man.
  8. I almost made hot pudding all over myself when i saw that purple widow...looks amazing!:hello:
  9. thanks guys keep checking back too cuz there are more pics to come. heres a quick bump

    blueberry x juicyfruit
    Nas and Damian Marley
    a different kind of Kush
  10. All that Shit looks Like its some Good Smoking
  11. Medical marijuana patient? Nice buds by the way
  12. beautifull buds..good pic of nas and damian marley im pretty sure they are workin on a new album together
  13. Looks like club stuff for sure... If he doesn't have his card, he has a one or a few friends that really know what they're doing on the cultivating side.
  14. hey guys thanks for all the interest. i do not have a med card nor do i know anyone with one. michigan is still a very difficult place to get one. everything you see here is street and ive only met the grower of the purple widow. and yes damian marley and nas are working on "distant relatives"
    ill be posting more tomorrow so be sure to check back
  15. awesome buds. the blueberry x juicy fruit looks super fuckin dense.
  16. Soooooooo good.
  17. #17 guest5555555555, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2009
    heres a little mid day bump. this is lavender, but its really pretty much green with a few very subtle purple-y/lavender-y hues. ive been getting it a lot lately
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    and heres a little nug of some sensi star
    and squidbilly the octobubbler. sorry its so dirty/has some smoke in it
  18. bump

    Lao Pak
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The Black
    more to come so keep checking back
  19. Great nugs dude keep them coming:hello:
  20. #20 guest5555555555, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2009
    purps (lighting of pic makes it hard to see the areas of light purple)
    The Madness (larry kush x sour diesel)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]


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