Killing captain K

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by noahr68, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. So I hadnt smoked in a month, and I just took a huge bong rip and I was completely out of it for hours hahaha, and I'm just really curious about it because I'm still high, everyone kept saying "he killed the captain, he killed captain K in one hit!" So I've never heard this before and I'm really curious what this is a reference to because I have no idea, and have never heard this before hahahaha.

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  2. The bongs name is Captain K.

    Or maybe your homies cat, that you ran over on the way to smoke with your buds... that's Captain K.
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  3. The obvious answer would be to ask your buddies.
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  4. Captain Kirk duh
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  5. Sounds like a weird inside phrase. Maybe k refers to kush?
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  6. I will next time I see them hahaha, I was just too high to speak coherently, and that idea somehow didn't occur to me

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  7. But what would that have to do with smoking weed though?

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  8. Doesn't have to do specifically with smoking weed for it to be about smoking weed. Look at all the dumb terms we use. Loud for instance, weed isn't noisy. Have you ever opened a bag and it was screaming so much the neighbors called in a noise spliff is another, I don't think that's even a real word but tons of people use it in place of joint. Around here lots of people call joints hog legs. people make up shit all the time, some are local terms some are well known. Some are just slang between friends. Doesn't always have to do with smoking. We're not actually going out to a pig farm and ripping off a hogs leg and lighting it up. Surely if you're old enough to be on this site you're old enough to understand there's slang words everywhere.
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  9. Sorry to waste yall's time lol, I was with them today and realized that the bong has a captain America bowl piece, and then one of them called it captain K, and I realized that's wha tit was haha. Sorry again, I was under the influence still when I posted this. If I was sober I would've just waited til next time I saw them.

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  10. Woohoo didn't waste my time, I was technically right with it being an inside phrase.

    I love them technicalities
    On a side note, my friend's bong is named "my cock". So he's always asking me "to suck my cock in one go" or many other variations you could ever think up
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