Killed a spider..and feeling guilty.

Discussion in 'General' started by HankMoody, May 29, 2011.

  1. So after toking many bowls throughout the day, i am now seated at my computer chair, listening to some chill music "Bonobo".

    10 minutes ago, I decided to hop and lay in my bed, i quickly find a comfortable position and lay staring at the ceiling, pondering about life. I look to the side of me and see a medium-sized brown spider, with little spots.

    It may have been a brown recluse spider, i don't know. I quickly, like a scared little girl got the fuck out of my bed, pulled my bed out from against the wall...and looked around for a dirty old shoe i could use to smash it to death.

    I found one, and as i leaned in with the shoe to kill it...i began to have a second thought. I am killing something living. I am murdering a living thing. I found myself feeling guilty and bad that i am ending a life, no matter how ugly and disgusting spiders are. I wonder if spiders have souls, do they have thoughts and emotion? What was his last thought before i killed it? In the end, i still hate fucking spiders.
  2. Spiders only have a primitive brain that acts as a central nervous system, and are not capable of creative thought or emotion.
  3. Well, i figured this. But it still leaves me feeling a bit guilty.
  4. They don't have any sense of what life is or what it means so the death you brought upon him/her had no meaning.

    It's not like he was staring at the shoe and thinking well shit I'm about to be murdered.

    But I can relate with the feeling you had. Feels bad to take the life of a living creature even if it doesn't comprehend what's happening.
  5. This is true, however, I can't help but also feel guilty when I intentionally kill things. Not because I'm concerned for a soul or anything metaphysical, but merely because I often feel that life is special. Not necessarily that it's inherently valuable because it's life, but instead because I tend to feel a shared, common thread of existence. That is to say, I have evolved along with everything else on Earth; neither of us may have any intrinsic purpose, but the fact that we're both products of millions of years of evolution, as well as the birth of the universe--however it may have happened. Putting that into scope for me is something that gives me a respect for life, in all its forms.

    Anyway, when I kill something, I feel that it was likely very unnecessary and thus feel guilty over its death. Also likely due to many of the things we kill--spiders, flies, etc--have no malice towards us, even if we often perceive it. They're simply going about a routine as us.

  6. I totally agree with what you said.

    I think that maybe we often don't give it much thought whenever we kill something such as a spider, ant, fly, etc. is because we have an understanding that they don't know nor can they understand death.

    Knowing that they have a Central Nervous System and have the ability to feel pain leads me to give them a quick death when the situation arises that I may have to kill one.

    I don't enjoy doing it, but sometimes it's necessary.
  7. Indeed, I won't contend with that point.

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