That looks so dank.. I'd put some diced potato in there though, It's crazy how awesome spuds n kielbasa are together.. Damnnnn I keep looking back at it...Now i have to go make some food....
Hahaa dankkk!!! Thats the perfect way to describe it man. Nothing makes a stoner happier than making food Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Where did you get the Kielbasa? It's made everywhere here in Pennsylvania...but the Polish people make the best stuff. BTW....looks really good and the frying pan reminds me of my Granny's old pans.
i make various types of sausage like linguice, italian and blood sausage. Kielbasa is one of my favorites because it is so filling, and we have alot of it up here in Massachusetts. Good shit, very potent. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I have Polish family so the way we tend to have it is cold on sourdough bread with Polish mustard Have you ever tried bigos?
Ya got me on the bigos dude.....I'm Polish too but that wasn't something my family made. I'm a mustard and horseradish guy too. Nothing like a sniff of good horseradish to get the blood moving. It's better than most drugs. Enjoy!! Do zobaczenia później