Kids these days, Wow....

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by M_E_T_A_L, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. My mom would have WHOOPED my ass to a pulp, then my dad would have killed me if I ever did this when I was this kids age.

    [ame=""]YouTube - KID/SON SLAPS HIS MOTHER ON DR.PHIL 5-20-2008[/ame]
  2. pandoras box watches too much dr phil
  3. Belts aren't just for holding your pants up....
  4. Damn, she got put in her place. Nah seriously, that kid needs discipline.
  5. What the fuck? My whole family would have whopped my ass for some shit like that. That's his mother, and he does that? So fucked up.
  6. i dont condone physical punishment.

    however, if i ever did that to my parents. well shit. i wouldnt even think of doing that to my parents. I mean my parents hardly ever hit me, i never really did much to get hit. but shit when i did, that belt came out.

    someone needs to beat this little punk, teach him some manners and respect.

    This is the country we live in now eh? Disgusting. I mean, not beating your kids is great, you really shouldnt. But i mean, when he starts hitting you, and is to something of that level, well fuck everything that is normally right and beat that kid.

  7. kid need to chill out and smoke tha herb maaaayne :smoking:

  8. #8 joe Biggs, Nov 13, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2008

    animal abuse is not fucking cool.
    that fucker deserves a beating.
  9. thats my best friend, man!
  10. I was just thinking the same thing... I was like wtf is with all the Dr. Phil videos and I'm just talking about the ones made today.. I can't even imagine other days. Lol.
  11. that kid has problems
    no doubt.
    it seems like the kid has communication issues with his parents.
    looks like he doesnt know how to express what he feels to his mom.
    so he acts out in anger and frustration.

    like it seems that he is mad because from what i got, he thinks his mom doesnt treat him with respect. I.e. he said that all she does is tell him to shut up, or instead of telling him to stop she nudges him real hard.

    he needs to learn that you have to give respect to earn it.
    and also to respect his elders.
    why? becaused they are his ELDERs.
    and his parents.

    also i wouldnt be surprised if the husband is abusive.
    the kid seems like he acts out the same way an abusive husband would.
    and growing up thats probably what he saw and thats how he deals with shit now.

    fuck that though.
    this kid needs some help.

    i hope he gets the help and changes. and then later in life sees this video again so he can feel ashamed
  12. my hometown is full of these kids, There's one kid I knew that use to punch his mom in the face when they had arguments, his older brother would have to hold him off..

    a lot of kids are like this, it's disgusting. 100 years ago that kid would have been beaten harder then words could possibly describe...
  13. mom seemed like a bitch though so...

    idc he gets my approval. i love how everyone jumps to "if i did that"
  14. I feel bad for this child. He obviously is having major communication issues and feels like he's never heard and treated with disrespect. I feel badly for that family, not because of the child, I am sure with family therapy they will be ok, but for the mess that they have created and the damage that has been done.
  15. Fucked up Classic52, just fucked up.
    kill yaself for that one
  16. yeah fuck you. you think a kid who gets abused shouldnt stick up for yourself?
  17. you just don't do that

    kid needs some pain for punishment...bc what ever she is doing is not working

    (the belt works, the last line treatment)
  18. bruh fuck that he aint getting abused, he disrespected his mother so he got a bow to the arm.

    He straight up told his mother to shut up, you do that shit. He lucky all he got was a elbow to the arm. He slapped his mother you never put ya hands on a woman much less your mother.

    She gave that lil chubby chasin shit machine ***** life, and he slaps his on National T.V.

    Fuck that.
  19. Agreed.
  20. that kid needs the guidance of a shaman, or the brutality of a Los Angeles police officer.

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