Kepler Planet Hunter Telescope Data Analyzed

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by adastra80, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. So apparently, after analyzing data from the Kepler "Planet Hunter," earth sized terrestrial planets are thought to be common, so common in fact, that the number of them in our galaxy alone is in the billions, according to NASA.
    It is unfortunate then, that the telescope, barely into it's mission, was "permanently disabled." I have a sneaking suspicion that if it was to have continued searching, it would have eventually found something out there that would have led to unequivocal proof that we are not alone.
    For this reason, I find the catastrophic failure of this telescope very suspicious. It is almost like something out there had deemed us not ready. I mean, if there are billions of earth like planets out there, it is almost ridiculous to think that our planet is the only one among even a million that is inhabited by life. Another thing I find suspicious is what NASA and the papers refer to as the "deafening silence." No artificial radio waves, no alien television channels, nothing that we can recognize as any attempt to broadcast or communicate. This might be because whatever is out there, and they are out there, is using forms of communication so radically different from ours that we can't recognize it, or perhaps whatever is out there hasn't the technology yet needed to communicate using light waves (radio, microwave, etc.). I find this hard to believe, because that would imply that we are the most advanced life in the galaxy, from a technological stand point.
    So growing up having a keen interest in astronomy, I am extremely suspicious that what is really happening out there is weirder that I can imagine, and I can imagine some really weird shit. Maybe we are not ready for contact.
    What are your thoughts?

  2. I'm sure there's probably some really weird shit going on out there in space. And I'm almost equally sure it's not related to the Kepler.

    It is fun to think about. When you think about how unique we are in the universe (as far as we know), you can only imagine what else is happening out there.
  3. There is a huge difference between Earth sized and Earth like. Don't let flashy media headlines fool you otherwise. Science news also tries to sensationalize. Don't forget that.
    And yes no doubt we are not ready for contact, as demonstrated even by the rudimentary failure of a coveted technology. We are still a very young species. Imagine species that have undergone millions of years of evolution after first uncovering technology. What kind of knowledge would they have uncovered? Perhaps what they discovered was so profound that silence was the only possible means from that point forth.
  4. #4 THCinmahsystem, Nov 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2013
    Well to be is pretty nuts...The telescope could easily have been destroyed by space debris/asteroids. But I agree I don't think the masses of Earth are ready for alien contact. At least not around here in the bible belt. I think it's fun to think about the crazy intergalactic wars and battles going on right now...In this moment there are probably huge capital ships flying around somewhere just like star wars.
  5. The Vulcans are waiting at the edge of our system until we develop warp drive, obviously. Where's Zephrym Cochrem when you need him?!
  6. I like that. Well said.
  7. Excellent Star Trek reference :)
  8. one thing's for certain, whether or not there is anything out there, I seriously doubt that the 'powers that be' will actually let us know.
    in fact im so certain of that, that I actually expect a personal visit from an et before they actually announce what they know on tv.
    supposedly nasa guys routinely air brush out ufo's and they had a link on the nasa website for a long time that proves that before they took the link down, but there is still enough info on the internet on this. I saw the link before they took it down, so who knows. Im not an expert on photoshop by any means, but some of those pictures looked pretty convincing, that and like I said I doubt anyone would actually tell us anything. So if they do exist only way well know for sure is when they come visit a wal mart, maybe buy a pair of edible panties.

  9. Well that makes sense.
  10. The only aliens that exist are us.

    The reason we have not had any contact is because we are yet to conquer time travel but when this happens the "aliens" that we will find will be the humans we sent from planet earth centuries earlier.

    Just my thoery on the subject:

    1.) 2025 first man to be sent to live on mars

    2.) 2057 first humans sent in time travel

    3.) 2099 WW3 wipes out all but the a few remaining humans.

    4.) 3066 the human race has fully recovered from the devastating WW3

    5.) 3099 humans once again conquer time travel

    6.) 4015 humans find " alien life " on Mars. ( but not real aliens just humans sent forth from earth a long time ago.)

    "The mind-state of insanity is a man made illusion created to better make sense of ones own twisted reality"

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