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keif and cooking

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Marsh208, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. So i grind my bud everytime i use it, and have a three chamber grinder to catch the keif or thc or whatever the fuck u wanna call it. but can i coook with that? or would it burn to easy seeing as its like thin i guess u could say haha. any suggesstions what to make?

  2. The first page of the CannaPharm sticky has all the information you need on cooking with kief, bubble hash or dry-sift :)

    To make things easier, here's a similar post I made in the past, with links....



    These show how I make my edible & smoke-able oils....

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable recipes included...
    similar to Phoenix Tears/RSO & BHO, but bioavailable & made with food grade/drinking alcohol)

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (starting with dry-sift hash, same as capsule recipe, oil can
    also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil


    Every dish and plate below has been infused with bioavailable hash oil....


    Hashy Meringue Mushrooms!

    There's nothing fungal, or psychedelic, about these little 'hash oil imbued' fellows... in case anyone was concerned [​IMG]


    Healthy Ghosts, with omega oils, alfalfa, hemp protein, collagen and more!


    Some not-so-healthy, and very decadent, Canna EYEBALLS with Raspberry HASH-Blood Jell! [​IMG]




    Each jar and bottle below, along with a few smaller gift bags with caps and chocolates, were given to the local
    patients most in-need
    and those who had suffered the most hardship this year... enough for most to medicate daily, until
    at least spring! [​IMG]


















    I also run ethyl alcohol through it to remove the cuticles or 'husks' of the trichomes...





    And you can always just press the stuff [​IMG]



    Pressing your kief before smoking preserves more potency, by controlling and limiting the temperature of the burn and ember...
    Loose kief burns up hot and more rapidly, and the hotter the burn, the more more total cannabinoids are destroyed before they
    can reach your lungs (while also tasting less pleasant than it could, due to additional terpene degradation/loss).


    So it's probably my least favorite way to use it, but if all else fails, and you're feeling too lazy (stoned [​IMG] ) to do much else...




    And a few video tutorials....

    [ame=]BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 1: Decarboxylation" by BadKittySmiles - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Volume 2: Flowering & Revegetated Clones - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 3: Hash Machine Demo" by BadKittySmiles - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=]BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 4: Medical Grade Oil" by BadKittySmiles - YouTube[/ame]

    Hope this helps, good luck and have fun! :)
  3. BadKat, what you have there is awesome. Definitely inspiring and represents all the things I want to learn in my next phase of cannabis processing. Awesome stuff!
  4. Awesome stuff kitty...I dont mean to thread-jack but i couldnt PM you.....I saw how you mixed multiple oils in one recipe to ensure digestive absorption, and i was wondering if you have ever done a butter/coconut oil mix? I plan on making some brownies with store-bought mix and it calls for i believe 2/3 a cup of oil and i would like to have some leftover butter/oil. I will be using trim for this.

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