
Discussion in 'General' started by ChiefBuddha, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. I believe in it.

    But, I wonder, sometimes people will do something nice, and then be like "I hope I get good karma for that."

    Doesn't that cancel out the good karma? Doing something just for the benefit of yourself in the future? Shouldn't the whole point of good karma be that you did something good for the soul purpose of doing something good, not because you wanted good karma and a reward for it?

    Just a thought.
  2. As long as your doing something with love...then it will bring good karma...if it is done in any form of resentment or negativity..then it will be neutral or bad karma.
  3. That makes sense, I like that.

    But still, it seems a bit selfish. How people will only do something cause they'll later get rewarded with good karma and wouldn't have done the good deed otherwise.
  4. It is selfish you are right...it isnt "karma"if you seek it.
  5. I dont think such a person exists....if one is to do a good deed at all in the first place then I think they would feel some sort of joy from knowing they did good even if just a little bit.
    I dont think there is such a thing as doing a good deed just for good karma...
  6. Karma isn't about positives or negatives. It's about cause and effect. It's how our world operates as we know it.
  7. My idea of karma is that it is an associative thing.

    Shitty people do shitty things, thus putting themselves in more shitty situations therefore shitty things will happen to them.... shit.

    Yup just my opinion
  8. Throughout my lifetime i've heard people on numerous occasions talk about how they'll do somethin for good karma. Even if it's just something small such as letting someone in their lane while they're driving. They'll let them in and say 'oh i hope i get good karma for that'.

    I'm not saying they don't feel joy for doing a good deed. Most people would. But if it wasn't there soul purpose to help the person out just to be nice, than why do they deserve good karma if that's the only reason they were doing it?

    That's true. I just feel like it shouldn't be that black and white. I feel that good karma should come to those with honest and good intentions not selfish ones for the benefit of themselves.

  9. Because it does not matter...its the intention that counts.
    It is the intent of one's actions that generates karma
    Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward, but a reaping of the harvest we ourselves have planted. Through our thoughts and behaviors, we sow seeds that are later harvested.
  10. the weight of the deed vs the weight of the narcissistic thought = the karma? brb fusing philo and math
  11. Well when you're talking about a reaction, it has to be black and white at its core. But karma is like a blank coloring book - it's the design, and doesn't seem finished until you color it in. :smoke:
  12. karma is very real. If you were to do something to benefit yourself in the future that doesn't "cancel" out your good karma, it simply flaws your character. The energy you put out is the energy you get back, i know this for a fact now. Selfishness is a character flaw and has nothing to do with karma, but even if you do good things for personal gain (good karma) it still is not hurting anyway, but instead everybody wins. That is the purpose of it all. We should all be doing good in life for others and then we will always receive it back, and we could finally have a very beautiful world.
  13. You guys are some deep intelligent mother fuckers :hello:

    Appreciate you sharing your knowledge, this cleared things up for me a bit. I can agree :smoke:
  14. I think that being a good or positive person and doing good things is a fake it until you make it type deal. At least it is for me.

    When you come from a negative mindset, it's easier to continue to be negative. If you want to change, sometimes what you really feel on the inside and what you do conflicts.

    So, although I don't want to be nice to said person. I am going to try really hard and push through these negative feelings and get to a positive place with them. It's not going to happen over night but I have to start somewhere. That somewhere might be being nice when I really want to cuss them out. Nothing is wrong with that.

    You have to start your journey somewhere.

  15. You can take away "I" (which is ego) and "hope" (which in this case is desire)... Then you're only left with "good".


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