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k-9 Searchs

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AIIi, May 9, 2011.

  1. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this in how many multiple of threads but maybe if I make the font really big and colorful people will get the picture.


    check your state laws to see if the smell of marijuana is probable cause to search. I know for a fact in FL the smell of MJ is probable cause to search.

  2. #22 Graphic, May 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2011
    No, do not do this. This is exactly what is wrong with most people.
    Everybody assumes that they should just let the police search their shit. It doesn't even matter if you have illegal stuff in your car.

    Because almost everybody gives into the officer, it looks suspicious if you refuse. But it doesn't matter, that is your right.

    I don't know the answer to this exactly, but I would assume he can. Police are legally allowed to lie to you also.

    Maybe not for your state, but it is for most states.

    You are so wrong. 2 & 3 don't protect you from being pulled over. They cannot pull you over for driving the speed limit, and driving perfectly.

  3. I wish

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