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Justice Party 2012

Discussion in 'Politics' started by BlazeLE, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. #1 BlazeLE, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
  2. Another well intentioned statist, who'da thunk it. Ron is the only candidate that even begins to have a plan to fund our current recipients of the entitlement programs. I'd love to see this 'Unlimited Super PAC Money' that Paul is receiving too. :laughing:

    Focusing on the symptoms rather then the root cause never does much to cure a disease.

    [ame=]Ron Paul: Preserve Social Security Benefits, Cut Foreign Spending, End Wasteful Agencies - YouTube[/ame]
  3. and what would that root cause be in your opinion?
  4. Does rocky have a 30+ year consistent voting record in congress?

    This looks like just a ploy to try to divide support for Ron Paul. Fuck that! We know who Ron Paul is, we know what he believes, and we know what he stands for. THE PEOPLE!
  5. #5 BlazeLE, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    no he stands for capitalism which is severely against the people... he clearly says he would cut money from people who need it and eliminate 200,000 jobs... the only good things paul wants to do is cut military spending and end the wars. rocky wants to do that as well without fucking over the american people... also 30+ years of voting for shit that will ruin american lives more than they already are isnt necessarily a good thing... also how can you say he's for the people if he doesnt even support national healthcare? dont get me wrong ron paul is better than any of other mainstream candidates in this election but thats really not saying much...
  6. [quote name='"BlazeLE"']

    no he stands for capitalism which is severely against the people... he clearly says he would cut money from people who need it and eliminate 200,000 jobs... the only good things paul wants to do is cut military spending and end the wars. rocky wants to do that as well without fucking over the american people...[/quote]

    I don't think Dr. Paul wants to fuck over the American people, anything the government can do the private sector can do better and more cost efficient. Also I don't think capitalism inherently against the people.
  7. yes because our private sector healthcare is so great :rolleyes: oh and lets not forget about private for profit prisons. and he may not want to fuck the people over but thats whats going to happen...
  8. essentially rocky will do all the good stuff that ron paul wants to do without any of the detrimental stuff like eliminating the EPA...
  9. #9 Tangerine Laugh, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    Is that a picture of Che?? moron....

    Name calling is not allowed on GC, this is a community of respect.


  10. lol. im the moron because i did a little research rather than just listening to american propaganda :rolleyes:
  11. #11 Tangerine Laugh, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2012
    no your a moron because you have a picture of Che even though he was a known racist..yet you post shit supporting the american people..again fucking moron

    Name calling is not allowed here. Mat369
  12. All that chart says is that rocky is a BIG GOVERNMENT version of Ron Paul.

    I'll go with the original, thanks. :wave:

    Ron Paul wants to phase-out social security, medicaid etc. because the government was never designed to force citizens to pay for retirement plans/health plans, or any other kind of plans.

    These programs should, at the very least, be OPTIONAL. Government, taking away our right to choose.

  13. except he wasnt racist... if he was racist why would he have gone to the congo to try and help liberate the people? he was born in Argentina and fought for Cuba's freedom. oh yeah really racist :rolleyes: also che hated america, not the american people. he wanted to help liberate the people of north america as well. he was a globalist, he wanted all people to be free from imperialism. maybe you should read a book.
  14. [quote name='"BlazeLE"']

    yes because our private sector healthcare is so great :rolleyes: oh and lets not forget about private for profit prisons. and he may not want to fuck the people over but thats whats going to happen...[/quote]

    Healthcare wouldn't be so bad if insurance wasnt so high for citizens, and malpractice insurance for doctors is fucked. Private prisons I can agree with you on, but if we didn't lock up so many people for nonviolent crimes then we wouldn't need them.

    The people will be fucked with anyone else in the Oval Office. At least Ron Paul will fuck us the over the least.

  15. out of the mainstream candidates yes. like i said rocky wants to do all of the good things that paul wants to do without the stuff that would fuck people over...

  16. ^ please respond to my other post if you don't mind. Like I said, all that chart shows is that Rocky is a BIG GOVERNMENT version of Ron Paul.

    Making the government smaller does not = fucking the people over. That's the opposite of how it works.

  17. government isnt the issue, corruption is which is what rocky wants to eliminate. he wont even accept donations larger than $100. i dont see paul taking a stand against corporate donations.

  18. Government isn't the issue in a presidential election? Lmfao

    Government=corruption. If you eliminate the government and their power to control the people, you eliminate corruption. Corruption comes from companies buying off political leaders. Take away the power of the political leaders, and you take away corruption and put the power back into the hands of the people WHERE IT BELONGS.
  19. but it wont be in our hands.. it will be in the states hands. and when your Governor is rick scott you are utterly fucked. its still fascism whether its the federal government or the state government... also you eliminate lobbying and things will work out. which is what rocky wants to do. eliminate corporate control over government. you fantasy of anarcho-capitalism will never exist... eliminating the government will only fuck everyone over except for big businesses. im in full favor of pure democracy but paul doesnt care about that rocky does. he talks about it in that video in the OP.
  20. anarcho capitalism = freedom for tha dollar not tha people

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