Being a newbie that I am I know that I am guilty of posting questions that I am sure that has been posted 25 thousand times before. I am sure some of you old timers that have been doing this and being of this site for along time get sick and tired from answering the same god damn questions over and oer and over again. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone that has put up with us newbies and out newbie questions. This stuff is a science and there is alot more to it than alot of people think.
good shit dude, im not a 'old timer' of the site myself but i know where ur comming from, its a community so we all help each other
If I wasn't allowed to ask a question that had already been anwered a hundred times, I would still be standing here with a thumb in my ass, wondering what the difference is between a magnetic and a digital ballast. I look forward to asking more of these questions, someone has to keep the vets on their toes.